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Author Topic: Eifel Tower Pattern for Low Rev Players?  (Read 952 times)


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Eifel Tower Pattern for Low Rev Players?
« on: May 02, 2016, 05:12:57 AM »
Yesterday we bowled in the finals of a doubles no tap tournament.  The qualifying ran for several weeks with 3 teams making the finals each week.  I am not sure what the qualifying round shot was, but anything outside of the 5 boats was Out of bounds no matter what revs you had.  The middle was pretty dry.   I had to hit just right of second arrow.  The last week he put down a league shot which is what we qualified on.  Anyways for the finals he put down the kegel eifel tower shot.  I was getting zero ball reaction.  First I tried moving left and going down the middle, but I kept dumping it outside and missing the headpin.  Then I moved way right and was basically throwing at the 3 pin.  By the middle of the first game I seemed to be hitting the pocket ok, but I was having zero luck. I would leave the 4-7, 4-9, 4-7-9.  The balls did not look high and like I said I was getting basically zero hook so I was kinda confused on how I was leaving that stuff.   I throw medium speed with low revs and was wondering if anyone had any advice fire that shot?



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Re: Eifel Tower Pattern for Low Rev Players?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 09:46:27 AM »
48 foot pattern, you have to play the middle and can't dump it out. To be successful you need to get your ball to slow down and roll through the pins. Just watch the pba events on Badger