Taking a week off here and there can prevent you from struggling or being frustrated . . Who is paying for the short bowler? What? Means he's paying double next week is what that means, if that's not the case, you've got some crazy league rules. How are you at a disadvantage bowling short in a handicap league? What's the difference between him showing up and shooting his average every game or just taking his average every game? Lol of course one less guy means less transition, means the shot holds up longer, and means you should be able to score better if you pay attention anyway.
I get what NickRo is saying, kind of. It depends on the league, both leagues I bowl in there are only a few teams I actually look forward to bowling because I know it's going to be a real contest or we have a friendly rivalry or something going. There have actually been a few nights I've had trouble paying attention, one if we're bowling a fairly weak team, or two if it's our Thursday league and I have a couple fantasy players going that night during NFL season. Again, like northface, both my averages are just a hair under 230. However, I don't miss league unless I have a conflict that I can't avoid, I'm just a dork for bowling, BUT I can easily see his point.
In addition, I'm sure he doesn't just get to a league day and decide he's not showing an hour before league. You can look ahead on the schedule and see who you're bowling the next week, you know the NFL schedule ahead of time, but sometimes you do just honestly wake up on a league day and feel like absolute crap. If someone is irresponsible or you can't depend on them, that's one thing, but I don't think either of those terms describe northface. If he was those things, I really highly doubt people would bowl with him.
Taking a week off if you're struggling or frustrated with how your bowling is a totally different animal and far from some of the reasons that were listed. What's wrong with being left short? You're kidding right? First, who's paying for the short bowler? I sure as hell wouldn't put $.10 towards such a thing. Second, if it's a handicap league you are at a disadvantage bowling short and that can't be argued. One less guy means less transition? Please! If you are so temperamental that slow bowling or guys you don't like make it so you don't want to bowl, you really don't want to in the first place. You just posted a bunch of crap and guys that think like this are part of the reason bowling is dying.