Your team should get it's place prize money, which you would get a share of.
The having to have bowled two-thirds of the season only applies to the the individual awards. (Unless theres a league rule against it)
117b. Qualification
The following procedure applies to prize distribution:
1. Team: Team prizes shall be distributed according to verbal or written agreements.
a. If there is a dispute on the division of team prizes, it shall be decided by the board of directors.
b. No team can win more than one prize in any group of prizes, unless otherwise provided by
league rule.
2. Individual: To qualify for individual league prizes, a player must bowl the required
number of games.
a. The following provisions also apply, unless otherwise provided by league rules.
1) A member shall have bowled at least two-thirds of the games of the league schedule.
2) If a substitute later becomes a regular member, the games bowled as a substitute shall be
included in the required number of games. (This does not apply to the league high average