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Author Topic: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!  (Read 1536 times)


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Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« on: December 07, 2003, 05:23:34 PM »
In regards to Mika winning.

I don't know about the rest of you but for a change I sat in my glory seeing a righty bowl like a lefty and the lefties had trouble (no doubt because everybody else was playing in their line, something us righties ALWAYS deal with).  

It just has go through your minds.  I mean Mika wasn't far from shooting a 900 series on TV.  His SHOT didn't change at all and he didn't move at all from what I could see.  

I thought Randy's comment was stupid (In regards to the lefty stigma)...  Mika was getting a taste what it is like to be a lefty.  If I was up there and I got asked why I bowled well I couldn't of resisted.  I would of stated, "Hey nobody bowled in my line.  I felt like a lefty today."

Sure the Couch and Parker are good, I just don't believe they adjust like the righties have to do.  Almost everytime I see Parker bowl, he's always playing the same damn line.  Very little difference.  I notice that also with my league bowlers that are lefties.  I NEVER see them play 4th 5th arrow.  They ALWAYS seem to get to play outside (my favorite line BTW but I rarely get that line).

I mean wouldn't you average 10+ pins higher or more if you didn't have to move 10 times everytime you bowl?  How often does a lefty move?  Probably none or once the whole
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  

Edited on 12/8/2003 9:23 AM

Edited on 12/8/2003 9:23 AM

Edited on 12/8/2003 9:24 AM

Edited on 12/8/2003 9:25 AM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  



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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2003, 08:47:57 AM »
Two words, Jason Couch!

Screwed up the whole line for the following straighter lefties with his heavy load particle.

If he was gonna lose he could have at least let someone else have a chance!

Mika WAS awesome.  Also instructive I thought was his drilling!  label 105 but negative!



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2003, 08:50:45 AM »

    One thing that I do not like to see is the shouting at each other even if they are friends.  Somehow, that lowers the prestige of what a pro bowler should be.

    Its ok to be animated but one does not have to get in the others face to show they are intent on winning.  Bones

I couldn't AGREE MORE !!!  I've said it in other posts yesterday, the greatest thing about yesterday was Mika shutting Couch up with a perfect game! Freinds or not!!  However, was nice to see the double high-five and hug afterwards.....but the shouting at eachother is NOT necessary, least in my book........


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2003, 09:06:37 AM »
Sure the Couch and Parker are good, I just don't believe they adjust like the righties have to do.

This quote couldn't be more innaccurate. As someone who has been fortunate enough to bowl with these two many times please believe me when I say they can flat out bowl. I've seen couch play all over the lane to adjust including 6th arrow and crush 'em. Bohn seems to adjust more using hand position changes and projection. The fact that 4 lefties were eating away the oil may have played a factor, but those 2 are great bowlers regardless.


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2003, 09:45:57 AM »
I agree shotmaker, they both can flat out bowl. I have seen both bowling well on all parts of the lane too. It just seems for Parker that most of the time he makes the show lately, the same basic shot is the one that has been working for him. It definitely did not hurt Mika that he was the only righty. It reminded me of the Greater Grand Rapids Open years ago where Danny Wiseman shot great against 4 lefties and won also.  Mika bowled great and his line did not change, nobody over there to spread it out and push it down. Given the type of shot he throws and the consistency of it, he must felt like he was in bowlers heaven.  

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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2003, 10:05:49 AM »

Sure they are great bowlers, but I think I’ve seen Couch play somewhat inside once on TV and that was last year.  Still if I recall correctly, he was swinging it out between the 2nd and 3rd arrow and he was standing right.  No, I’ve never seen a lefty play 6th arrow and I’ve attended many PBA tournaments as a spectator.   I’ve never seen a lefty play inside on my leagues either.  They always get to play outside and that’s the only line they ever need to play probably 90% of the time for league play.  They many stand a little right, but swing it out to the dry which is still outside.  If Couch and Parker played 6th arrow it would have been a first to me witness and they certainly don’t do it very often as so far on our telecast I've seen nothing but outside play while the righties have done a variety of lines.  

Here’s a point.  Typically, but not always I bowl fabulous in practice even if I bowl with my girlfriend and her son (so I’m not throwing one ball after another).  It's not all about being under no pressure and blah blah blah.  It lot has to do with my lanes breaking down very slowly or none at all.  When I bowl with my girlfriend and her boy, they don’t play in my line and just yesterday I averaged 243 (for 10 games) with two other bowlers on my lane.  I believe this is because I’m feeling the benefits of being a lefty.  My shot isn’t changing and I can get dialed in for a long period of time.  Strikes were done effortlessly.  However, when I get on my 5 man team the shot is constantly changing every 3 or 4 frames and trust me it is struggle to hit a 600 series.  Typically, I have 8 or 9 other bowlers playing in my line. That's a very big difference and I believe it has nothing to do with being in a league situation.  It has more to do with the shot constantly changing than anything else.  

So my point being big deal if Couch has played inside once in a blue moon? What's your point, he still isn't dealing with his shot changing every 3 or 4 frames like the righties deal with.  

I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  

Edited on 12/8/2003 11:06 AM

Edited on 12/8/2003 11:08 AM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2003, 10:50:32 AM »
bennett wrote:

Sure the Couch and Parker are good, I just don't believe they adjust like the righties have to do.  Almost everytime I see Parker bowl, he's always playing the same damn line.  Very little difference.  I notice that also with my league bowlers that are lefties.  I NEVER see them play 4th 5th arrow.  They ALWAYS seem to get to play outside (my favorite line BTW but I rarely get that line).

Reality check!

Go to a PBA tournament one day, not the last 5 games on TV.

I bowled with Parker in a league in the mid 1980s on a very difficult condiiton. All the 200 + avg bowlers were finding extremely hard to score or even line up to get to the pocket (Much harder than today's sport conditions).
About the 3rd or 4th week of the season, Parker moved in to the 5th arrow and just killed that shot. Mind you this was in the urethane days; bowlers didn't play that shot very often - like never, in a house league.

Besides that take a look about 4-5  years ago when he shot 300 on TV with a Tude III. He was NOT playing outside then.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2003, 11:04:18 AM »
Go to a PBA tournament one day, not the last 5 games on TV.


I do go for the whole day.  

I remember Parker's 300, but I don't recall the line he was playing.  But, I don't recall it being inside, but maybe our definitions vary on that.  

I've never seen Parker play 5th arrow or any lefty for that matter.  Doesn't mean a thing to me, it rarely happens, period.  You're talking one or two instances, big deal.  Even so, did he have 8 or 9 other lefties playing his shot?
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2003, 12:55:38 PM »

Sounds like you are a righty.

Two or three things.

A lefty playing third arrow has everybit as much hand as a righty playing the 4th arrow typically.  There is that much difference in the shot.  More oil on the left and a smoother surface with less friction.

There is no reason to play 3rd or 4th arrow if it won't hit!

I've played 4th arrow many a time during practice after about 10 games which is somewhere where you would be entering your 3rd games of a league shot with a 5 man team.

But think about the difference in number of frames bowled during each league set.

Jason Couch was playing 3rd arrow to the 1 board in the first game yesterday!
He has a lot of hand don't fool yourself.

Patrick Allen has a lot of hand!

Bottom Line is that lefties and righties end up playing the lane where the shot is!

In addition, you are averaging 243 with no other bowlers and 200 with a normal league lineup?  It's probably more nerves than it is condition.

Last and not least last year in a league we had 6 lefties and 4 righties on the same pair.

We heard all the comments leading in to it!  You're in trouble, now you'll know what it is to be a righty!

OH yeah, we pasted the righties!!!  No problem. Might have been one of the better shots of the year!



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2003, 01:00:41 PM »
As far as lefties not playing in, I have seen Couch play outside, inside, way inside and inbetween. If you saw the show from Vegas 2 years ago (the one Voss won), Couch was playing 6th arrow out to about 10-12 throwing a Matrix Dynasty. Last year he played around first arrow in Florida, ToC last year was a little more inside, played 4th arrow when he won a few weeks ago, played inbetween 2nd-3rd arrow getting the ball to the 1 board in Latham 2 years ago (when he dumped one in the ditch then last to Smith on the 10th), etc. Other than Couch, I dont recall a lot of lefties not playing outside, there are a few around here who dont play "the twig". If 90% of he bowlers were left handed, it would be the opposite story. All the lefties would play inside and all the righties would be outside, with a few exceptions. Me personally, I can play inside somewhat, but choose to play more outside, for I have a higher ball speed but still good revs. If I slowed down 2mph I would be able move about another arrow in. As far as Mika winning, I didnt call it (was pulling for Couch) but I was glad to see him win and in the process shot 300-277-259 for 836. Mika is a great bowler and is very consistent in his bowling. But I agree with Pedersen's "quit bashing the lefties" theory. Some lefties play that part of the lane and can score but arent that good, while others who are good get the flack for it. It's an ongoing battle that will never end.
This post was brought to you by just another lefty hack who considers covering corners bonus pins added to the series....


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Re: Enjoyed Seeing a Rightly win!
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2003, 01:29:03 PM »
. If you saw the show from Vegas 2 years ago (the one Voss won), Couch was playing 6th arrow out to about 10-12 throwing a Matrix Dynasty

In addition, you are averaging 243 with no other bowlers and 200 with a normal league lineup? It's probably more nerves than it is condition.


Yes, swinging it out big time out to the outside  I don't consider 10-12th board inside.  I can stand against the ball return and swing it out like that when conditions grant that, but I don't call that playing inside.  I call it swinging it out to the dry.  Inside is when you're hitting 4th arrow (or inside of the third, I'll go that far) further down the lane.  So our definitions differ here.  

But more to the point, if I recall correctly he bowled terrible one of those times, bowling in the 160's.  Not that it means much, but it is one of the rare times I saw him play anything inside if you call that.  

Yes, I agree Mika is good, but he could of shot 900 and I was hoping he would.  He did it in part because the lanes never changed, something you lefties get ALL the time.  

For the 243 average, I only moved probably 3 times during the whole 10 games.  But, in a way you're right about nerves, but not in the way you think.  It does work on you week after week time and time again having to constanly move 9 or 10 times for 3 games and never get lined up for more than 3 frames before you move again.  BTW, I'm pushing a 220 average on a league that has fresh oil, nobody else in my line (beginner bowlers on my team that play down the center and it is a mixed league with many lower average bowlers).  That is a 20 pin difference. I can picture myself in the 220's easy on this league and I'm only a 201 on that 5 man team.  Who knows maybe an 800  I have no nerves on this league because I can get really loose when my shot isn't changing 10 times during the night.  


Jason Couch was playing 3rd arrow to the 1 board in the first game yesterday!
He has a lot of hand don't fool yourself.

lucklefty--  I never said Couch doesn't have hand, but you're missing the point.  That point being is that these bowlers don't have to move every 3 or 4 frames.  I would think the lanes would break down faster on a 5 man league.  The tour has 3 bowlers on each pair, but the shot is tougher to being with so you can't compare the two scoring environments.  However, I think we could all average higher if we could move none at all or only once over 3 games.  

I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  

Edited on 12/8/2003 2:29 PM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.