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Author Topic: BTM rating?'s  (Read 1315 times)


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BTM rating?'s
« on: October 06, 2008, 04:25:04 AM »
What does core torque mean?  I thought the higher the rating the sharper or harder the ball hooked and the lower the rating to smoother the ball reaction was.  According to the ebonite digitrax info I beleive I am wrong in my assumption.
  Here is an example-  The new Cell pearl has a core torque rating of 7.5 which is the highest rating I have ever seen.  According to the digitrax info the hook power (speed/strength of movement towards the pocket) is only 85.83 for cranker.  A few months back the AMF code had a torque rating of only 6.5 but the digitrax info said the hook power was 104 for cranker which is the highest I had seen.  So what does the core torque really mean?



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Re: BTM rating?'s
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 02:41:18 PM »
As far as I know it went like this.
Torque 1-10 The flippiness of the ball, bigger the number more flippy it is, smaller number the more even at the breakpoint it is.

Thing to remember about the numbers in BTM, is thats how they rated them. Those numbers might not be same as how the MFG or other's rate them.

Edited on 10/6/2008 2:44 PM
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Re: BTM rating?'s
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2008, 02:48:31 PM »
In the old BTM, Core Torque used to mean exactly what you said and thought:
the higher the number, the more skid/flip (hockey stick shape) the breakpoint was. The lower the number the more even and arc-like it was (Think sanded urethane ball path). 4-5 was urethane like hook. 6.5, at that time the highest number, was a skid/flip pearl resin. Today 5.5 seems ot be the low number and a few balls are as high as the Cell Pearl's 7.5 (Big Shot, Fired-Up, Big-R-Bang, World Class Reactive, No Mercy Beat'n, Break Pearl).

If you read the notes, some balls, currently with a Core Torque number of 6.5, are described in the written text as NOT being skid/flip, while some with 6.5 are described as skid/flip.

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Re: BTM rating?'s
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2008, 10:39:22 PM »
I would believe that hook power would be impacted by cover first with core torque being a high on the list. Purely a guess on my part though.


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Re: BTM rating?'s
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 01:35:54 PM »
ok thanks for the input guys.  I wish they had a category for response to friction, the higher the number the quicker the response to friction the lower number=slower reaction time.