I watched bowling this Sunday for the first time in years, and noticed the new match play format. I have mixed reviews, I like the head to head competition but it does not reward the more consistent bowlers during qualifing. I like the matchplay because I think its a little more fair in the sense of a number 5 bowler who gets hot doesnt have to bowl 3 matches. Obviously its also much quicker which allows for better tv slotting which makes sponsers and networks happy.
While I'm sure its frustrating for a bowler who excelled overall to lose to a guy who was bowling much worse but had 1 big game. But don't we all go through that anyways during league play? You bowl a team you know is way inferior, and they have one or two guys who bowl out of their minds and beat you. It sucks, and while your average may stay higher facts are you lost the game and points. The big difference is in leagues, it's not your career at stake. Unfortunately, when you pick bowling as your career, and especially now with the limited field you have to know you just might get hosed every now and then
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good. Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!! OHH THE HUMANITY!"
Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series: 512 (137, 170, 205)