OK, so I am jumping back into bowling on a competitive level, and my first tournament out is going to be a 6 gamer scratch tournament on Chameleon. I just drilled a whole bunch of new stuff, and was wondering what people use mainly on the pattern. I know that lane surface is going to matter, but I only want to bring like 6 or 7 (Including plastic) with me. Here's what I have, and what I was thinking of bringing.
Freight Train
War Eagle
Black Eagle
Bank Roll
Hook Hybrid
Hook Sanded
Clutch Pearl
Hype Pearl
I was thinking Freight Train, Black or War Eagle, Clutch Pearl, Hook Hybrid and either the Hook Sanded or the Look.
I'm a tweener (Low end if that) with moderate ball speed. Can create some angle. I figure I would start with something middle of the road, and either ball up or down.
Any tips or suggestions?
Also, anyone in Chicagoland want to know where this is going to be?