Of course Vertex recommends sanding a ball first, they sell ball spinners.
The sanding of a ball first has nothing to do with vertex selling spinners.
Sanding a ball first goes back to before rejuvenators appeared, when people first started trying to get oil out of a ball and the main method for oil removal was the dawn & Hot water soak method . Sanding the ball first made that method more efficient.
While it may not be totally necessary with today's rejuvenators, sanding of the ball to open up the pores would still make the process much more efficient.
By removing dirt and other grime from the lanes, ball lifts, belts etc. that have become impacted into the porous surface of the ball and which haven't been removed by just surface cleaning.
Plus given most have their ball refinished at the time of a de-oiling, the no reason not to do it.