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Author Topic: equipment usage question,I am really confused.dont read if you are going to be mean  (Read 1933 times)


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I bowl in several different houses,practice and league as many of you do. I am confused of late by the reactiopn I get from my balls house to house and league and open play bowling. The balls in question include;rising star,taboo,omg,power groove and a centaur amb pearl. I know this is gonna sound crazy,but I already said I was confused,The rising star drilled 45x5x45 is the strongest of them all.

      In league conditions I dont know the pattern,the rising star hooks too much to keep right of the head pin and all the afore mentioned balls barely wrinkle. When I practice every ball is so close it doesnt matter which one I use . The drill patterns are all very similar and the surfaces are un altered other than from generall useage.

      I really feel like a dunce even posting this,but I am lost. Friday night ,and every friday night I go from ball to ball and have nothing that works. I am to fast and too deep with the weaker balls and cant get enough speed or give enough room with the rising star and when I practice the shot is ball for ball only 2 to 4 boards difference max.

        I am not the most gifted ,I throw on avg. 13 mph and come around the ball way too much,which is why I usually play deep. Today I worked on staying behind the ball closing my index finger and I got more length,but it didnt change the fact that I stood in the same place for 6 games and from one ball to the next didnt have to move or change my shot and I know wed night I will only be able to use one of these balls,the rising star. And it will be the same thing friday and saturday and I cant for the life of me figure out why,can anyone help without being mean and sarcastic.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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This sort of suggests you are seeing medium-light to medium oil with a lot of dry in the backend, maybe even short oil (like, 38 ft long, roughly).
The OMG and Taboo are, obviously, for medium heavy and heavy oil. So They are probably burning up in the midlane, maybe even the heads.  
The AMB Centaur Pearl is for medium-light to medium oil, but it is or can be very fussy in its drilling. It should, however, react to some degree.
If your Power Groove is one of the pearls and drilled normally, it should  also be reacting a little, even if you had to play more up the boards. It generally handles light to medium-light oil. So I'm kind of surprised that you're not getting some reaction from one of these.
The Rising Star is generally for medium-light to medium oil. Given your slower ball speed and tendency to come around the ball, small wonder that it's overreacting. Still surprised that you have to play that deep with it. It is polished, but it should be getting length easily.
Have you tried moving much further outside (right, if you're right-handed),with the PG or the AMB Centaur?
If there's some scratches in the track area or a worn appearance, maybe the PG and the AMB need some polishing to help restore their normal appearance and utility?

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited by charlest on 11/28/2011 at 10:56 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Just some advise if you love bowling as much as you say you do. Invest in a Good coach, In the Chicago area there are 3 great ones, Greg Zicha at Fox Bowl, Bill Spigner In Vernon Hills and Bill Monce .

All 3 are great coaches.  Anything else is a waste of time and money. One of these guy's will help you. Remember it does not happen overnight it take time and practice.  So quit beating your self up and try a coach it could take more then 1 visit. It is worth it, I started using a coach about 4 years ago and improve greatly, over 25 pins on a house shot and about 22 on a sport shot. My coach also inspired me to become a coach myself I now have my Silver level.  Try a coach you will see the difference.


Just my .02   


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First, you are not a dunce posting this and don't think that you are either.  Many times, a lot of us run into the same issue, so we've been there and done that.  Think of it as getting feedback that will only help you score even better and as a good learning experience for why something may be happening.  

I think what might be happening with the Rising Star is that you're running into light volume medium oil or possibly dry conditions altogether.  It doesn't surprise me that the Rising Star is reacting as hard as it is for you.  That ball is a beast on that condition and stronger than I ever thought it would be. 

I ran into that situation when I first bought mine and had to wheel it left to right to prevent overreaction.  Even worse- I was throwing harder than normal, being clocked around 23-24mph and still had overreaction.  My guess is the older wood lanes at that house hadn't been oiled in several days. The solution for me when I was at that house was to move very far left and loft it to cut down the reaction.  Literally, all you could see was the gold color when I was throwing mine because I had to put a ton of speed on it and it was revving way too much (have a higher rpm rate to begin with).

In your case, I think you're not getting the best reaction with those balls because the oil may have burned up too much.  Those balls are probably biting into the lane so much that on the back they just die out, causing you to lose the reaction you want.  What I could suggest is to possibly polish one of the balls you mention to see if that will help.  This way, you get extra length and the ball will store more energy for the backend.

As for coaching, it honestly never hurts to work with one.  All 3 mentioned by Crash here are excellent and well worth it.  When I started working with my new driller a few months ago (a silver level coach), the very first thing was we went out on the lanes and my game was observed.  From there, recommendations for my approach, swing, pushaway were given and everything has helped boost my average.  Sometimes we are just not aware of certain things we are doing, so a coach can always benefit you in big ways. 


I hope some of these ideas can help you out.

My arsenal

Heavy Oil: Storm Virtual Gravity Nano: 2000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Storm Anarchy: 1500 polished
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Roto Grip Nomad Dagger: 1500 polished

Medium-Light Oil: Roto Grip Rising Star: 1500 polished
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Rich Gucwa at Brunswick Glendale Heights is also a great coach and great guy....I also had the same issue with my Rising Star at Wheaton was way too strong for a lighter oil condition, I went to a Midnight Vibe, which is still strong on that pattern but was much cleaner through the front and mids, it allowed me to open up the lane and still carry.




My Arsenal:



Nomad Solid.....60x4.5x35............1500 polished

Midnight Vibe.....60x5x40.............4000 polished

Red Backlash......70x3x30.............4000 polished

Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid