Poke holes in this please:
Swiss format, so every week is a position round. Handicap is ? (undecided, likely 80-90%) of the difference between the two teams averages. Payout is based on points, team points as well as personal points, not position. Team average is tie breaker, higher team average is higher position. One point per player game and series, 3 points per team win and series total, also *series total ranking points*. Lower seed picks lineup last. 300 max score. Prior season book average used for first 9 games. King of the Hill bonus, the top 3 teams and individuals based on season point total get extra money every week they stay in qualifying spots.
*Series total ranking points are a way for a team that had one of the highest series' in the league but got whooped to still stay above water or not dip too far just because they got a bad draw one week, kinda like a bad beat jackpot at a casino. So say there are 10 teams, the team that had the highest handicap team series that week would get 10 bonus points, next team would get 9, so on and so forth. If the team that had the highest series wiped the team that had the second highest series, but that second team would have beaten anyone else in the league that week, they would still get some points. Still working on point logistics, not sure if it would actually factor in or just be extra points for no reason.
Players would go head to head with the bowler across from them using the same format as the team, handicap based on the difference between the two bowlers averages for scoring purposes, regular 90% of 220 would be the basis for scoring for individual awards.
Pros: Works for every average level. Every week has importance, keeps you more invested from week to week. Promotes improvement.
Cons: Complicated AF. Could possibly bowl same team several weeks in a row. Weekly series ranking points may not be fair if pair to pair scoring consistency is questionable. The bowlers most interested in this type of format are likely the ones who oppose handicap the most, and the possibility for a 235 avg to lose to a 230 avg because of handicap exists.
Coming up with ideas is hard because I support an opinion I don't share. I want a super competitive league that's difficult and makes me care about showing up, and that's usually when things start to go downhill. I start with stuff that would be fine and then by the end of it I come up with stuff no handicap bowler would want anything to do with. Other problems you can see?