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Author Topic: Etiquette and rules  (Read 6297 times)


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Etiquette and rules
« on: January 27, 2009, 09:12:48 AM »
I like how now adays you have to almost get in a fight if you request anything of anyone on the lanes. While practicing at a newly opened house I have people run up on me all the time while I am bowling. The couple of times I have asked nicely and tried to explain bowling courtesy the people wanted to fight me. Most of the time I don't even say anything because I don't want to have to deal with getting into an altercation.
Open play, ok somewhat understandable.. but a different house in a different city had the same thing happen to me in a league when I ask the guy to not jump up on the approach while someone was next to him. This guy really wanted to fight.  I guess he didn't like people telling him what to do.
 Also, lady called me a d*ck and a piece of sh*t because I said she got a foul when she touched the lane with her hand. At first she lied and said she didn't touch and then someone else on another pair confirmed she did and then she used the excuse that she would have fallen over if she didn't put her hand down. I tried to explain that it was still a foul and a 0 count. She continued to say things under her breath all night long when I passed her.
Have asked people to not use easy slide or powder on their feet and explained to them that it is illegal if it alters the approach in anyway for me.  I explained to them when I tested my slide foot I could tell that someone was using it before I even saw the package.  This got into a big ordeal of how they aren't able to slide how they want without it.  I continuously explained that I am sliding fine and by them using it it is making the approach unsafe for me.  Finally the league officers got involved and told them to stop using it but in a way that made it look like I was being picky and an *ss. Then I have to bowl the whole night with this guy scowling at me like I did something wrong..
oh yeah.. same exact scenario when I asked someone to change the score when the ball bounced out of the gutter.

I finally have told the officials of the league that I am just going to come to them when anything happens and they can deal with it.

sorry for the rant but anyone have a good way to handle things such as this
16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22

Edited on 1/27/2009 6:13 PM
350 RPM, 17 MPH



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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 05:18:28 PM »
Yeah I know how that feels I used to sub from time to time in a league like that. It is very frusterating, amazing how rude people can be after a simple request isn't it.

Not much I can say to help let your bowling talk as best you can and don't let it it bother you.
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  we do not live''

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 05:23:56 PM »
I know what it's like. I recently had some B*tch tell her brother who couldn't have been older than 6 to push me out of the way because I wasn't going to move so he could throw at his spare in the ten minutes of practice before the tournament. I waited a good 2 minutes before stepping up because he left the spare on the deck and went and sat down. I wasn't stealing his practice, I was filling a vacant lane because he was sitting twiddling his thumbs. I told the tournament director to remove her from the lanes, as she was sitting there with her 5 or 6 year old brother calling me vulgar names and sniggering when I left unmakable spares. It doesn't bother me much, other than the fact that it's inappropriate, but she was 20 years old. Grow up.

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 05:30:42 PM »
This seems to be a result of children being taught
- nothing is ever their fault,
- they never have to take any responsibility for their actions,
- there is no competition in the world,
- everyone gets a passing grade,
- no one can ask or tell you to do anything you don't want to do,
- the world is your oyster,
- everyone owes you everything and
- you owe no one anything.
And these children grew up to bowl next to you.

A side result seems to be that everyone seems to think that everything they charge on their credit card has to be paid by someone else, and
everything they signed for are all gifts to them,
they don't owe anything for them.

AND it seems to be coming true - all those mortgages people signed for, promised to pay now do not have to be paid. The Federal government (read: the taxes paid by us working stiffs) will now be used to pay the mortgages for these dead beats.

and so on, and so on.

(See "The Collapse of the Roman Empire" about 1800 years ago. Oh that's history. I forgot: you didn't have to take history classes any more... SOrry!)

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 1/27/2009 6:31 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

T Brockette

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 05:51:34 PM »
The biggest problem is that you have proprietors who will not take any action at all. They are so scared to stand up to these idiots, for fear of losing their business. What they don't seem to understand, is that they will lose more bowlers in the long run if they allow the inmates to run the asylum.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 05:51:50 PM »
This seems to be a result of children being taught
- nothing is ever their fault,
- they never have to take any responsibility for their actions,
- there is no competition in the world,
- everyone gets a passing grade,
- no one can ask or tell you to do anything you don't want to do,
- the world is your oyster,
- everyone owes you everything and
- you owe no one anything.
And these children grew up to bowl next to you.

A side result seems to be that everyone seems to think that everything they charge on their credit card has to be paid by someone else, and
everything they signed for are all gifts to them,
they don't owe anything for them.

AND it seems to be coming true - all those mortgages people signed for, promised to pay now do not have to be paid. The Federal government (read: the taxes paid by us working stiffs) will now be used to pay the mortgages for these dead beats.

and so on, and so on.

(See "The Collapse of the Roman Empire" about 1800 years ago. Oh that's history. I forgot: you didn't have to take history classes any more... SOrry!)

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 1/27/2009 6:31 PM

I'm sure you could have gone on another 5 pages.
Everything you said is right on the money.  I agree 100%

16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22
350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 06:00:33 PM »
You need to come bowl in the same leagues as NorCal and I.


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2009, 06:10:25 PM »
You need to come bowl in the same leagues as NorCal and I.

I'm in Sac this summer and from now on unless I decide to just give up on bowling all together.
16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22
350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2009, 06:16:45 PM »
sign of the times...


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2009, 06:17:31 PM »
Apologies. I get carried away.

Summary: this is the new generation of "I want and I'm entitled".
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2009, 06:18:38 PM »
The biggest problem is that you have proprietors who will not take any action at all. They are so scared to stand up to these idiots, for fear of losing their business. What they don't seem to understand, is that they will lose more bowlers in the long run if they allow the inmates to run the asylum.

The center just opened up and I was trying to give them tips as to making it a good house.  Telling them they need to have some sort of signage on or near the scorekeeper that discusses courtesy and safety.  I have talked to a few people there and they don't seem to care. I told them there's going to be a problem if I am up there shooting a ten pin and someone comes crashing into me from the next lane.  I will make sure the alley is responsible if I get hurt.

They are starting short winter leagues in February at this place.  I want to bowl but I was thinking that it may not be worth the hassle if the majority of the people in the leagues is the same people bowling during open play.

16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22

Edited on 1/27/2009 7:21 PM
350 RPM, 17 MPH

No Open Tenths

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2009, 06:20:38 PM »
This seems to be a result of children being taught
- nothing is ever their fault,
- they never have to take any responsibility for their actions,
- there is no competition in the world,
- everyone gets a passing grade,
- no one can ask or tell you to do anything you don't want to do,
- the world is your oyster,
- everyone owes you everything and
- you owe no one anything.
And these children grew up to bowl next to you.

A side result seems to be that everyone seems to think that everything they charge on their credit card has to be paid by someone else, and
everything they signed for are all gifts to them,
they don't owe anything for them.

AND it seems to be coming true - all those mortgages people signed for, promised to pay now do not have to be paid. The Federal government (read: the taxes paid by us working stiffs) will now be used to pay the mortgages for these dead beats.

and so on, and so on.

(See "The Collapse of the Roman Empire" about 1800 years ago. Oh that's history. I forgot: you didn't have to take history classes any more... SOrry!)

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 1/27/2009 6:31 PM

I don't know where you are from, but I'd like to buy you a beer sometime!
Then I won't feel like the only one that gives two nickles about any of this.
Right on!
Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't... you're probably right. -- Henry Ford


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2009, 06:30:57 PM »
I thought I was going to be the only one to care about stuff like this.  I guess not.  And yes it does transend way beyond bowling.

16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22
350 RPM, 17 MPH

No Open Tenths

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2009, 06:41:31 PM »
Actually it has been in the forefront of my thoughts lately.
I just started a new league with ~30 people that have never bowled in a league before. I have had to explain lane courtesy, not wearing wet shoes into the bowling area, etc more than I ever have before.
I usually start with something like "I'm sure you didn't know this but..." and try to come off as I am just trying to help them, don't want other to get upset with them,etc.
Most have seemed to take it well and we both get something that we want out of it. Of course there is always going to be the hardheaded one that just are going to do what they want but I won't let it stop me from trying to "help".
Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't... you're probably right. -- Henry Ford


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2009, 07:09:09 PM »
My favorite is lining up, and having someone slide in on you in league play. I normally walk off the apporch and try an recollect myself. Only to be made out to be an a**hole bec. I walked off the lane distracting them, and this  is simple  2 lane courtesy mind you. Society in general is just headed straight down the tubes, and I'm  unfortunately young enough to be in for the long haul.
Lev rg
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soon to be added:
Special Agent
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