So tonight was first nite of league. Bowled ok, we split 4-3 (them), but considering most of my team hadn't really touched a bowling ball all summer, we did pretty good.
While we're packing up, shaking hands, etc., one of the guys on the other team says to me "Of all the people here, I really like watching you bowl. You're really smooth and it makes me think of the things I need to work on." I just said thank you.
I know I'm good, knowledgeable, and I help others whenever I can, but I am FAR from the best bowler, I average low 200's, while high average is around 230...and really 204 on a THS isn't anything to brag about, so I was taken a little by surprise. It wasn't even like I had an outstanding nite, I only shot 644 (high game was 223).
Anything similar ever happen to you?
It IS next year!