I had a hell of a night in my league last night. Got lined up early with my Thunderstruck Solid (later had to switch to my Hy-Road) and was throwing the ball really well. First night in a while that I felt like I really threw 3 good games without timing issues, grabbing at the ball or spare shooting problems.
Only problem was, that despite the fact that I was in the pocket all night, I only shot 618. I felt like I made good shots all night long but for the life of me couldn't care. It wasn't the 10 pin either, since I only left one of those all night long. Left a bunch of 8 and 9 pins, 2 pocket 7-10s and a 4-10 in the 9th frame of the last game that completely killed that game and cost me probably 40 pins. That last split I think pissed me off the most because I hit the pocket well and heard a broken pin somewhere in the rack.
Ever had one of those nights where you throw the ball well, are in the pocket all night and yet shoot a score thats 50-100 pins less than you feel like you shot?
University at Albany 2007
-Let''s Go Danes-
ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company