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Author Topic: Ever have one of those days?  (Read 833 times)


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Ever have one of those days?
« on: September 15, 2004, 08:44:38 AM »
Have you ever just had one of those days where things just click when your bowling? It just seems like every shot goes where its supposed to (or almost every shot) and you just do better then usual? I had one of those days today, and I feel really good about it. I went and bowled 6 games (mind you Im a 170 or so average bowler) and out of the 6 games I averaged 190. I had 4 200 games, and almost all my games were at least average for me. I just feel pretty good about this today.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!



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Re: Ever have one of those days?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 05:00:52 PM »
Feels good huh? I am hoping for one of those days tonight in league...



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Re: Ever have one of those days?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 05:14:13 PM »
I had one of those days last night in league. Except mine went the opposite way. Never hit where I wanted it too, messy sloppy night. Never hit my average, everything felt wrong, just a bad night overall. Plus two of our bowlers were late, that didn't help either.
Forget bowling, let's go play golf!!..


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Re: Ever have one of those days?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 05:14:16 PM »
Wow, good job BK.  Maybe your team WILL give us some competition this season...

Dangnabbit, if I had a correct rev ratio for my speed, I would demolish all.  Except for TBU, no one can handle that.


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Re: Ever have one of those days?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 05:18:52 PM »
Except for TBU, no one can handle that.

Thank you.
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(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)