As you may know, Sawbones is switching from a stroker to becoming a "Flinger". I on the other hand an working to become a stroker.
Sawbones is a 78 yr old rightie and I'm a 43 yr old lefty . I've always bowl with a slightly open release and have problems when the shot calls for a down and in shot where I need to square up. Some of the tour and sport shots have so much oil on the left side that you see mostly see lefties pointing or squaring up and playing outside five. It looks pretty odd to play that even though back in the 80's that was my A game. After a 10 year layoff, THS don't have much oil on the outsides and I usually play 12 to 6 or 8, playing the oil line. Now I wish to learn to square up, take hand out if the ball, and stroke it.
Which style will be the hardest to develop?