Yeah, once you get the feel for it, you know where the layout is going to put the fingers anyway. My layouts all end up in about the same place anyway, and no ball and layout choice will ever give you EXACTLY what you wanted/expected in the first place. Slight adjustments are always needed here or there. I'm not going to go as far as saying layouts are irrelevant, but I don't think they factor in as much as people think they do. This kid I've been working with has drilled about 10 balls since May, and redrilled 5 of them trying every layout on the planet, and all I've really seen is that the balls all react just like they do for everyone else regardless of layout. He even had two of the same ball drilled drastically different, and complained that they reacted exactly the same. This is another one of those monkey putting 3 holes in the ball thing, all of his own doing, I didn't have any say in ball choice or layout. Just not seeing layout have that much of an effect . . or at least nothing that overcomes ball design or bowler style.