Guys, I don't know how to really put this in to words. Is it a mental thing, the competition I'm facing or what? But, I find myself bowling harder and being more focus, when I'm bowling against real competition that bowls extremely well. Then there are times I find myself bowling against bowlers, who are not much of any competition and I tend to be less focused.
Well, my question to all of you guys are how do you keep yourself motivated to bowl at the peak of your game when the competition is not there; Whether it's bowling on scratch and/or handicap leagues, or while practicing on a pair of lanes by yourself? What are your strategies and mental thoughts to keep yourself motivated to perform at your best as in the little cliché, "bringing your "A" game"?
2010 is the first time joining a league since 1999. Over a 10 year lay off and haven''t lost much of my game. This year currently HG-279, HS-733.