sorry for being late, but I am writing from Germany, so there is the time shift. You might wonder about the weird ideas one might have around here, but science is everything...
Yes, I am asking about (and trying) kitchen cleaner for ceramic hobs on bowling balls. Just this stuff in plastic bottles for your shiny home. I found that this stuff has a surprising ability to absorb any oil, and that it is abrasive to the hardest encrustments on shiny surfaces. I tried it on clear plastics, and it was like some kind of dry polish. Thus, not only being carefully abrasive, this stuff also polishes and conserves surfaces with a protective layer you can feel with your fingertips.
What I found about contents is (materials under 5%): not-ionic tenside, anionic tenside; polishing pigments; organic acids; smell and preservatives, silicone oils.
Does not sound bad on a bowling ball surface, the cleaning effect is impressive and the created surface after a slight application (and a brief polish with a sheep fur) feels promising. It leaves the ball bone dry, with a dull shine. Will try out my cleaned ball next weekend to see how it affects reaction.
Thank you for comments, I will report!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe