It's driving me nuts... though all my four balls are drilled "the same" in the span... they don't feel the same and I can release them the same but they do not rev the same...
one is feeling 100% right... I swing it... I let it go and it revs! Great transition down the lane and shwoing a nice smooth arc... very controllable and constant
the next one is the thumb a tad too big and I can't rev it as much as #1 but yet it is working
the third is drilled by the first and also feels right but it just does not rev as much as #1... or am I just "seeing" things... is this ball reving as much and I just "recognize" it different? On the other hand I can trust my eyes and I can count... and 8 revs vs 16 are quite different
now my 4th is my XXXL and has/shows a big problem... it slips of my hand...
when I get back in my swing I have the feeling of losing the ball though the span is right and the ball fits... I have the feeling it slips off my ringfinger.. well not really... I have the feeling the span ring-thumb is too short but that's not the case!
... only when I keep straight behind the ball then it is not that way... anything else is feeling unstable and irritating as losing the ball is worst case scenario! And you can guess... I miss my target then.
AndI need to play the ball with no hook... or I will not get the tenpin....
What is wrong?
I have two balls that feel right but yet one is not reving as much as the other though the feeling is the same (by 90%)... is that little difference in the grip... remember only the thumbholes are slightly different in size but it is just a tad... almost nothing.
IS the core responsible? or is it really that little itsy bitsy difference in the thumbhole?
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson (\_/)
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