Nobody has mentioned this, but I always view tilt, and axis tilt which comes from circling the ball at release. Enough axis tilt and you are throwing a semi spinner, and the track starts to get smaller. Not really sure how you express this in a number, but think of spinning the ball by circling it. With no forward motion the ball is spinning on small spot directly under the center of grip. Add forward motion and friction starts to create more roll and less spin. However theoretically it would be possible to throw a ball with zero initial PAP, although it would quickly migrate towards the preferred spin axis.
When I was young we all threw semi rollers with more tilt than we do today, because most of us who were not full rollers came from a thumb position of as much as 2 oclock. Thus we were circling and lifting to create hook. More circling the wrist and less lift equated to more tilt and a lower track. More lift combined with circling raised the track.