My spare game's really going down hill, I have no plastic ball(arsenal in profile), and I have a 2nd Drill Morich Awesome Flip that i bought got for free and payed $20 to plug and redrill it, my friend wants to buy it from me for $120, which seems phenomenal, but that Awesome Flip has really, really, been working for me(shot at 2 300s in the last week), but should I sell my 2nd drill Awesome Flip for $120 and could buy a spare ball and more, or keep the ball and try working on my spare game with my reactives until i have $40 for a plastic.
This seems to be a hard decision for me can anyone help?
Name: Ryan
Age: 13
Average: 180+
Style: Tweener
Rev Rate: 350
Speed: 17-18
Arsenal in Profile