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Author Topic: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made  (Read 3823 times)


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Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« on: March 07, 2009, 07:51:41 AM »
My spare game's really going down hill, I have no plastic ball(arsenal in profile), and I have a 2nd Drill Morich Awesome Flip that i bought got for free and payed $20 to plug and redrill it, my friend wants to buy it from me for $120, which seems phenomenal, but that Awesome Flip has really, really, been working for me(shot at 2 300s in the last week), but should I sell my 2nd drill Awesome Flip for $120 and could buy a spare ball and more, or keep the ball and try working on my spare game with my reactives until i have $40 for a plastic.

This seems to be a hard decision for me can anyone help?
Name: Ryan
Age: 13
Average: 180+
Style: Tweener
Rev Rate: 350
Speed: 17-18

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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2009, 07:10:09 AM »
Bowling balls are simply tools. Dont get attached to any of your tools. remember they are just tools. The real ability is you not your tools. If you need a spare ball more that this ball, then get a spare ball.
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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2009, 07:25:06 AM »
its all apart of the world, survival of the fittest.

The problem is that in our world there is no survival of the fittest.  

There's welfare and the entitlement that we deserve what we want without working for it.  The whole idea that I could get 160 for a ball worth 30 is testiment to this. Why work, why earn, when I can find a dummy or scam the extra money?  If Darwin had his way, both parties should be taken out.


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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2009, 05:42:48 PM »
i know ONE kid who at 12 had 3 300's and already had a 350+ rev rate. hes now up to like 450 rpms and at 15 yrs old i think if not 16.
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their OTHER BRANDS ball.


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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #34 on: March 10, 2009, 04:13:06 PM »
I apologize for this whole thread, i showed my friend this and i gave him his money back, and i let him keep the ball. I'm sorry for being a dick, and i apologize to all i have hurt for my immaturity.
Name: Ryan
Age: 13
Average: 180+
Style: Tweener
Rev Rate: 350
Speed: 17-18

Arsenal in Profile

I call BS. You mean to tell me you gave him his money back, and gave away your ball for free? Um, not buying that for a second. Someone is just trying to get a free 'donated' spare ball again.
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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2009, 04:26:30 PM »
Wow. Dick move.

I'm also a JBT bowler, and you can bet that I'm not exactly proud I'm going to be bowling JBTs alongside you at some point. Good luck keeping your 'friends' around for very long.

How about, instead of working on your spare game, you work on your attitude towards life and stop trying to screw anything with a pulse. Then once you've got the attitude of a winner, rather than a total dick, you can become a winner.
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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2009, 08:40:40 PM »
I apologize for this whole thread, i showed my friend this and i gave him his money back, and i let him keep the ball. I'm sorry for being a dick, and i apologize to all i have hurt for my immaturity.
Name: Ryan
Age: 13
Average: 180+
Style: Tweener
Rev Rate: 350
Speed: 17-18

Arsenal in Profile

I call BS. You mean to tell me you gave him his money back, and gave away your ball for free? Um, not buying that for a second. Someone is just trying to get a free 'donated' spare ball again.
Black Widow Pearl
Storm Virtual Gravity
Black Widow Bite
Columbia 300 White Dot

JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Extremely Hard Decision to be Made
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2009, 08:57:58 PM »
i dont see what was wrong with the original deal. his friend got scammed. he should have known better, a 2-3 year old ball that would be on its 3rd drill for 160? cmon you gotta be smarter than that. its all apart of the world, survival of the fittest. i would have kept the money and given it back if the friend asked for it. it was a smart business decision for ryan to make that deal. morals and ethics mean nothing in this country anymore. you have to forgo them to make it in this world.

btw i was averaging 180 when i was in 8th grade with almost as many revs. its not hard especially on todays house shots
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys

  You wouldn't be interested in a 15lb whitedot, would you?
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actually no i have a perfectly good plastic ball. i dont need it. and i still dont see why that is relevant. im not dumb and know what a plastic ball is and how much it costs so it shouldnt be there to try and scam me.hmmmmmm
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys