I am going to throw something back at cha. You being one of the biggest advocates of people using the right equipment on the right condition; not to mention that scoring is condusive to the right "match up"; you are going to say that if the PBA guys were bowling on a short, low volume pattern, that they can still score just because of change of release? As you know, I am up there in rev rate somewhere between Rash and Belmo and I have a hard time getting a entry level ball to push at times. Granted I am slightly rev dominate now as compared to 10 years ago, but I did say entry level ball. When I watch Sean Rash with his borderline 500 rpm rev rate struggle to get the ball to read the lane (I can tell the difference between a ball burning up and a ball not getting started/reading the pattern), that there isnt a decent volume of oil; not to mention he was using Brunswicks high end balls? Rash doesnt throw the ball all that fast; would say he is fairly matched with rev rate to ball speed, and yet he struggled with his look on tv once he moved inside. I would be willing to bet that what I encountered on Thursday Nights this year was less volume than what the PBA was using this year, depending on which pattern was laid out. Nobody is saying that the PBA lays out a heavy volume 45 foot pattern. But needless to say there is plenty out there when even Belmo and Osku are using high end stuff.
My biggest argument, is that local centers put out dead easy shots and have half their bowlers averaging "scratch" and then when it comes tournament time, and handicap tournaments no less, they lessen the volume and/or shorten the pattern, in most cases. If this is the case, then why do the "scratch" bowlers even bother showing up knowing they have to shoot almost 800 each set to win on a pattern that is not condusive to those scores? What the USBC should do, is tell centers that until they use a named pattern, whether it be one of the USBC patterns or Kegel patterns, then the centers dont get certified for sanctioned play. What I hate in the sport, is that centers put patterns out where guys can average 230-240 so they think they really are that good and then when they bowl something like the USBC Tournament and shoot 1600-1700, it is the tournaments fault.
When I bowled the tournament in Dacula a couple months ago, they used the Kegel Middle of the Road pattern. Scores were fair and competitive. It did not take a 250 average to win nor did it take even to win. They guy that won the tournament was a tweener, second place was a high rev rate player and third place was another tweener. Everyone agreed it was a well run tournament and a fair shot because everyone could play on it; not just crankers and not just low rev players.
What I would like to see on the PBA, is one week they put down a 45 foot pattern and another week they put down a 32-34 foot pattern with low volume and see how they fare and I am not talking about the Plastic Ball Championship either. Since you say that we should learn how to make a ball push, then what is the secret when the patterns are shorter and volumes are less?
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but the PBA isn't putting out a flood....they just know how to bowl better. They don't throw it into the floor....It's like the guys that try to say professional golfers hit it further because they use different balls. No they are just better athletes and can hit the ball harder....
From my experience bowling on the patterns over the years there is actually LESS volume in the middle on a PBA pattern than on the house walls.
The reality is that we're incredibly spoiled....with the integration of combo strip/oil machines there is no need to learn how to get the ball down the lane anymore. Now with every league you're given a puddle to dump the ball into. Walk around your local competitive league and pay attention to how the bowlers get the ball onto the lane. The majority dump it and spin it to the right, which is fantastic on house china, but absolutely horrible when the heads begin to go at all. Now when we go to a tournament that requires projection and shotmaking....everyone is totally screwed and whining.