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Author Topic: F.I.H.A.G.N.  (Read 1611 times)

Elimeno Pee

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« on: November 18, 2013, 09:34:03 PM »
F I had a good night!
Started the every other sunday Couples league a little on fire this year, 643 670 681. When the Monday men's league finally started, it's been a struggle.  Sunday average is down to 210, Monday average was 196, after finishing last year at 203. 

Pulled out my barely used Defiant (barely used because I never quite found where the ball wanted to play, on it's 2nd drill, hit with 4000 abralon) 202 207 221 -- 630 last night.  Had a feeling today.  You know that could very well be a good night kind of feeling?  24 X's,7 Spares, 1 open (10 pin, missed, but close enough to see shadow of ball on pin) 258-245-236 -- 739.   Only my 9th 700 ever,  felt more locked today than ever, and if I could have stayed out of my own head, that may have been even bigger.   Game 1 was a 4 pin in 6th, and a 2 pin first ball 10th. 

Great signs, game could be coming together.  Finally, I listened to the lane on what ball to play, and finally listened to the ball on where to play.
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

Hyper Cell
Freak Out
Totally Defiant
C-System Versa Max


Jesse James

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Re: F.I.H.A.G.N.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 09:39:00 AM »
Outstanding bowling LMNOP!!

And here's the part that I love the most:Finally, I listened to the lane on what ball to play, and finally listened to the ball on where to play!

To me, that is what really separates great bowlers from just average bowlers. I have a friend who has been struggling the last three years to bowl well. All he thinks about is speed and revs. He believes he can inflict his will and overpower the lanes into doing whatever he makes his ball do. And so.....he struggles mightily.

You sir, have discovered one of the bowling keys to success! Congrats!
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!

Gene J Kanak

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Re: F.I.H.A.G.N.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 03:57:00 PM »
Congrats on the nice set, sir! Hopefully, as you said, it's a sign of things to come.

Jesse, as to your point, the concept of overpowering the lane/condition is something that won't go away anytime soon, especially, with all of the attention that the two-handers are getting these days. Take it from someone who has tried two-handed bowling. There are times when you can succeed in overpowering the condition and giving yourself a look nobody else in the building has. I agree with you that it doesn't work all that often and can get you into trouble quite easily, but the allure of all of that speed and power is almost as addicting as a drug to some bowlers! Whether we like it or not, it's something that is here to stay.