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Author Topic: faking an injury  (Read 9261 times)


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faking an injury
« on: December 14, 2003, 10:43:47 AM »
Has anyone ever faked an injury 'cause they were bowling so bad? I was bowling a tournament yesterday with a 60' flat pattern and scored a 96. LOL! I started faking like my knee was hurting around the 8th frame. I was so embarrassed! Out of the 4 games my high game was 147. LOL! I left in a hurry after the tourney was done because everyone knows that I avg. 220 and were laughing that I bowled that poorly. I know other people must have faked an injury before please share your stories so I dont feel so bad.



Doc Hollywood

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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2003, 08:31:03 AM »
That a way komike !!!  Go win that tourny.  And when you win that money and you take that pail they give you with all the money in it you can go buy a shovel.  Then with the pail and the shovel you build yourself a nice big sandcastle you sandbagger.

By the way, you better kick down or I'm gonna report you.
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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2003, 09:59:13 AM »
well I remember one of our beloved BR people faked an injury to get out of a poor performance.  His name is Jeffrevs.

So I guess Jeffrevs is a pathetic loser too.

pchee2<~~~stroking the ball with MANLY revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!

Patrick, knock it can mess with me all day, but not on something like this!!  That was a practice session, a casual get together...and I didn't FAKE an injury! It was a Clutch "let me spin this story so it's funny" trick!  Did I have to leave before everyone else was done ?? Yes, I did have to leave ,..after 6 games...prior commitment....everyone soon forgets that I was the only one there ON TIME and had 2 games in before everyone else got there, but ...."whatever"

I would never , and have NEVER done that in ANY competitive situation EVER in my life !

End of discussion......


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2003, 11:16:37 AM »
If I remember right, Jeff had hurt his leg.   Or knee...  But I do remember him being hurt.

My plant leg was sore...I had bowled a bunch of games the day before as well...but the bottom line was.....that's NOT why I left....once again.....

"a clutchism" makes someone think it really happened! lol


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2003, 11:24:40 AM »
No need to fake injuries, its not good for anybody. In my case, I bowl with injuries. Popped my back out of whack, shot 680 and couldnt move. Bowled again the next week after aout 6 visits to the chiropractor. Tried to avoid spilled water on the stairs, lost my balance, broke my foot and the start of the 2nd game. Finished the game by gimping up to the line and throwing the ball, shot 200. Was forced by my teammates and girlfriend to quit and go to the hospital. Bowled again the next week with it in an air cast. 2 bad knees, put the brace on and go for it. The list goes on and on.....but I would never fake an injury for any reason.....unless I had just won the lottery....
This post was brought to you by just another lefty hack who considers covering corners bonus pins added to the series....


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2003, 11:36:14 AM »
Jeff please tell the truth, you faked an injury to get out of a poor performance during a tournament.  You even admit that its a 6 gamer.  I remember when Nicanor was here for a BR get together and he strained his back and couldn't throw the ball during a 6 gamer.  6 gamer sound familiar?  Well unlike you, Nic tuffed it out and bowled all 6 games completing the tourney with a strained back.  I remember your post all too well.  You bowled 1 practice game and did well bowling a 256.  Then when the tourney started you did horrible so you faked the injury and left.  You didn't even stick around to hang with the boys.  

pchee2<~~~stroking the ball with MANLY revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2003, 11:43:02 AM »
well one would ever know ONE of the scores I shot that day but you.....

however,....I've bowled in 2 tournaments since Nov of 2001, both in the Spring/Summer of 2002, one at Cherry Hill Lanes in Dearborn Heights, MI, (missed qualifying by 40 pins) the other in July at MerriBowl in Livonia, MI.  (came in 7th out of 94, cashed, $250). Both sanctioned under the MidStates Masters Organization, now called the American Masters Bowling Assoc.

This so called "tournament" that you are referring to was at Wonderland lanes on a weekday of many that took place...casual BR get togethers....

Whatever pcheeclutchjohn ............

Others can vouch for me as well, so go on with your "stir the pot"....we'll all get a kick out if it!


Edited on 12/16/2003 1:39 PM


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2003, 12:25:44 PM »

You say they were all laughing because you bowled so poorly, but it could also be that they were laughing because they all saw right through your little "I'm injured" charade.  You went out of your way to make yourself into the laughing stock of the tournament.

Think about it.  You bowl 7 frames with no apparent injury, and everyone on your pair sees that you are fine, just bowling lousy.  You finished with a 96, so you probably had a score no higher than 72 through 7.  Suddenly, you develop an injury and start hobbling around.  Hahahahahahaha!  Who did you think you were fooling?  Not the people on your pair, that's for sure!

If you'd put as much effort into figuring out what to do to bowl better, as you did into your little performance, you might have managed to bowl a decent game or two.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2003, 01:08:33 PM »
you know...faking injury is not a good thing to do i don't think.  as it has been said everyone has bad nights..just deal with it.  just like blaming equipment, or lack of on a given night.  i don't care what rock you are throwing on what condition, you should almost always be able to get reletivly close to the hole, and at that point it is about spare should give you a decent score.  and if you have a bad night big deal.  but i don't think the guy should be ripped to shreads like he has been by a lot of the people on here, he was asking an honest question....why blow him apart?

Just par

blowing the pocket apart just to MISS that blasted 10 pin


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2003, 04:12:00 PM »
If I remember correctly, the last time out we met at Thunderbowl during lunch and you had a toe injury.  You toughed it out and shot about 10-15 sticks less than me.  You faked the injury but you toughed it out so I give you credit.

Uh, no, we never bowled at Thunderbowl......

strange havne't seen you around here in weeks, then pchee chimes in on something about me, I bring you up, and BAM, there's clutch-o-matic!!

too funny!


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2003, 04:45:24 AM »
Too funny.  Check out Jeffrevs try to laugh it off to cover up his lameness.  Ouch my toe hurts I can't bowl.   Waaaaaaaaaaa!  JBOD can you hold my hand as I go to the bathroom?  Just admit it.  You bowled your 250 and thought that you were going to put on a show.  Then when the lights came on you chocked, faked an injury, then took you balls and went home.  Hey, should I tell everyone about the time that you faked a phone call from your wife so that you could leave when you were bowling poorly?  "Wife called something came up I have to go sorry I can finish bowling"  Now that is a hoot and a hollar!

Its kinda cool how the greatness that is clutch remembered the secretness that is my password when I told him that very secretment 2 years ago!  Too funny!

pchee2<~~~stroking the ball with MANLY revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2003, 06:15:34 AM »
Ouch my toe hurts I can't bowl. Waaaaaaaaaaa!

funny, I don't remember NOT bowling...hmmm

Pchee, is THIS the tournament you're referring to that I "backed" out of ?? LMAO!

Funny, looks like a local get together..........

Your'e up at 2:45am THAT's a hoot !!

Go ahead and blab all you like, twist and make up crap, that's fine.....

We're all getting a laugh out of it.....

And yes, it's VERY obvious that clutch remembered your password ! VERY obvious because clutch is THE story teller/twister of the century!

Edited on 12/17/2003 7:24 AM


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2003, 07:38:23 AM »

One word:  LOSER
My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2003, 08:07:24 AM »

No one is challenging's just a story twist to stir the should know this by now.

Hell, I'll show up,....I've ALWAYS shown up to the Detroit area get-togethers..

Picture of the dude/chick I stomped at league last week, then earned my first DPL/CPL.

I just spit coffee all over my screen !!!! LMFAO!!!!



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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2003, 08:19:55 AM »
I've bowled in 2 tournaments since Nov of 2001, both in the Spring/Summer of 2002, one at Cherry Hill Lanes in Dearborn Heights, MI

The Detroit 600 Club bowls at Cherry Hill in Dearborn Heights yearly the first Saturday in October.  I LIKE that house!
White Dot
Queen of the Stone 8 Pin


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Re: faking an injury
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2003, 08:22:21 AM »
I say we settle all this injury stuff with a Detroit area challenge!

I'm in

The winner gets a night out with the dude/chick in my signature.   Score one DPL/CPL! blah!

I'll pass on the night out with BraidDude tho
White Dot
Queen of the Stone 8 Pin