Trying to keep this short, but my buddy has developed a website that allows us to play fantasy bowling for our league members. We have 6 teams and each team captain can choose any three (decent) bowlers in our league. The bowlers on each team bowl head to head (their series' are matched) for a total of 3 points. There is a bit more to it than that, but basically it is a head to head format for our league.
We have kicked around the thought of taking this "nationally" and allowing others, like yourself, to join. The infrastructure is there and maybe we could add some video profiles of each bowler to help others acquaint themselves a bit with the bowler.
What I am asking is: Does this have any legs to it? Would you pay $30 or so for the year to bet on other league bowlers? Do I need to go to Gamblers Anonymous? What do you think???
Go Buckeyes!!!