Hi all, Need your help. I just started bowling about 7-8 months ago and holding a 210 average on a ths. As of late it seems im not able to cover any boards in order to get nice entry angle into the pocket. I've had to move several boards to the right and throw a down and in shot, and if it's oiled long i almost have to point the ball. I've tried slowing my ball speed, tried all 7 balls i own which are kept de-oiled and well maintained. I've got balls from 500-4000 abralon as well as polished balls. All balls are new releases and heavy hookers down to mild polished balls, so equipment isn't the issue, it's me! I have medium revs and medium speed. Looks like the ball is rotating it's tail off all the way down the lane, but with no back end reaction, just skids straight down. this is at 3 different houses and i've watched other bowlers with less revs get plenty of move towards the pocket and even had a few friends throw my balls and say there to much for their shot with too much hook. What could i be doing now that i've been bowling for a few months that i wasn't doing when i started? When i started i had a nice swing shot, not a deep inside line but still able to float the ball out instead of straight up the 10 board? Anyone else have this problem? I'm thinking it has to be in the release? Any thoughts are appreciated!
Current Balls Being Thrown:
Storm Nano
Storm Reign of Fire
Storm Victory Road
Roto Grip Mutant Cell Pearl
Current THS average - 216
Best summer series so far - 739
Been bowling for 7 months now and loving it....when my hand isn't hurting!!!