Hello all!
I practice at a house every once in awhile that has IMO poor approachs Anvaline from about 11-12 years ago I think. It is very inconsitent as I move deeper on the approach on some pairs I slide to much on others I stick very annoying overall. I don't like changing heels and soles to JUST practice so part is on my head but, should their be that much difference? It seems like the guys that move left fast run into the issue a friend of mine and I have been complaining about the issue for awhile. I have taken to licking my fingers then wiping the bottom of my shoe on all of my shots at least that way i stick all the time. I have talked to one of the guys that run the house and he said their is not much to do we gave each other crap just for the heck of it then got a good laugh out of it. But in all seriousness do any of you guys get the same thing? anyone else having issues with older synthetic approaches?
''''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''''
Progressive Metal Band