My brand of choice is Elite.
With the exception of the polyester Visionary Gargoyle that I use for spares, I found that Elite balls match up to my game wonderfully. Prior to that, I had thrown Roto Grip, Storm, Ebonite, Visionary, and Track. In switching to Elite equipment, it took my game to another level, and paired up good with me when making adjustments on the lane. Today I am primarily using the Rev Terror, Rev Fugitive, Elite Alien Abduction, Elite Orion, and Elite Insanity. Soon, will pick of the Elite Espionage, and probably the Pegasus which is an Elite ball, but branded under
I was glad when the company came down to earth on the pricing some years ago. When their equipment first came out, one of the biggest turn offs was the pricing. In my opinion, this is probably why more people decided to stay away from them. Years ago I was very loyal to Visionary and would throw nothing but that. I think my primary reason for doing that was just to be different. However, the equipment really did not match up to my game no matter how I had stuff drilled up. Had to step away from that mentality and go with what worked. Thank goodness for Elite.