So you didn't win the January Giveaway! How about another chance to win the
900 Global Train bowling ball?
900 Global has been kind enough to offer one
900 Global Train to our members as a giveaway! We are going to make this very simple for you. All you have to do is reply to this post saying "I'm in" and you are entered into the drawing. ONE POST per person only.
We will select and announce the winner on 03/02/2012.
Good luck to everyone!
I'm in
I'm In!!!!!!!
I'm in!
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm in.
A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb.....It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus.....a mutagentic toxin created by international enterprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bio-weapon experiments.
Don't worry the zombies are looking for brains, you're safe.....
I'm in.
I'm in!
*Inventor of the FIBJAM*
The sky is falling
The end is near
The final warning
The sun disappears.
My arsenal
"I'm in"
I'm in
"I'm in"
I'm In!
i'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
As with all things, this is my opinion. And we all know, opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
I'm in.
I'm in
Click For My Grip
I'm in
i'm in
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997
JOHN CANDY:1950-1994
JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982
"NO RESPECT, I GET NO RESPECT."-the great Rodney Dangerfield
InSite Bowling Products:2004-2008
I'm in
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Current Arsenal:
Hammer Taboo @ 2000
Storm Dimension @ 2000, pin down
Storm Anarchy @ 1500 Polished
Storm Hy-Road @ 4000, shined
Columbia Freeze
Spare Ball
I'm in
I'm in
I"m in
I'm in
To err is human,to blame it on someone else is more human
I'm in.

Sarcasm Disclaimer:
"This post may contain sarcasm, things that look like sarcasm, and things that might be mistaken as sarcasm. My sarcasm is self-made at my environmentally friendly laboratory and no human or animal was harmed to create the sarcasm found within this post."
Unless, you were harmed. In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
Disclaimer provided by Jorge, Thanks.
"I'm in"
" I'm in "
"1 of 1."
"I'm in"
Bowl Cool Wear SHADES
I'm in!
I'm in.
Member since 3/20/2001
I'm in
I'm in
I'm In
"USAbowlersmart.com - only the best Survive"
PBA East region member
I'm in.
I love the sound of falling pins anytime of the day.
I live in Buffalo, NY and contrary to popular belief, it is not snowing.
I didn't need Chuck Norris last night when I finally shot my first perfect game.
Check out this rad Boba Fett - he's playing clarinet.
I'm in!!!!!
Sometimes you're the dog, and sometimes you're the hydrant.
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm In....
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."
I'm in!
Quit Whining...Just Bowl!
im in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in!
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation! 
Also a member of ROB STONE NATION
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
Im in
I'm in.
"I'm in"
I'm in
I'm in
I'm kind of in.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
I'm in.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
Confused by bowling? Check out BR.com's vault of wisdom: the unofficial FAQ section
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM
"I'm in"
If gooses are geese then mooses are meese...
I'm in.
"Pretty women make us buy beer, ugly women make us drink beer"
I'm in
"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right"
- Henry Ford
"I'm in"
“A word to the wise ain’t necessary — it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.â€.
"I'm in"
Drop and give me 10
I'm in.
I am in.
I'm in
I'm in...
Tracy B.
If you want to play, train your body. If you want to win, train your heart
"I'm in."
"I'm in"
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
"I'm in."
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in.
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
The harder I try the harder they fall
I'm in.
I'm in
I'm In. :o)
Pin Noise Tie U... Pogie

" If you have a Vision, make it your Mission. Be it an Innovation, not an Obssession". My Own....CALOY
I'm in.
Almost all things are better when they come from Texas.Except maybe the USBC. LOL
I'm in.
Need bowling information? - Please check this: BR FAQ
I'm in.
"I'm in"
I'm in!
I'm in!
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com
"I'm in"
Use "IT" and BOWL UP A STORM!!
"I'm in"
"I'm in"
I'm in
I'm in
"I'm in"
I'm in
I'm in
I am in
I'm in!
I'm in
"I'm in"
3 holes of fun!!
"I'm in"
"I'm in"
Tag Team Coaching Success Story
AKA: addik
"I'm in"
I'm in
Im in!
I'm in
If you didn't like that strike, just watch this one!
im in
I'm in
Hank for Prez!!!
dude ! SWEEEEET IM INNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in
I'm in
Arsenal: Track 916AT,920A, straight flush, supernova XP,Resurgence, Burst, and OutBurst! Blue hammer spare ball
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in!
"I'm in"
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm In
I'm In
I am In
i'm in
I'm in.
"I'm in"
I'm in. -- JohnP
I'm in.
I'm in.
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive
I'm in.
"I'm in"
Dave Hansen
I'm in.
I'm in !
"I'm in"
USBC Silver Level Coach
I'm in!!!
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm in
I'm in...
I'm in
I'm in. Too.
The 3 is silent.
I'm in...
~keep it between the gutters~
current arsenal:
hammer jigsaw corner
hammer jigsaw
hammer raw hammer psycho
hammer raw hammer burn
banger fantasy (spare)
I'm in
I AM IN!!!
I'm in!
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
I'm in
My arsenal
Heavy Oil: Storm Virtual Gravity Nano: 2000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Storm Anarchy: 1500 polished
Medium-Heavy Oil: Track 919C: 3000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Roto Grip Nomad Dagger: 1500 polished
Medium-Light Oil: Roto Grip Rising Star: 1500 polished
I'm in
Career High Game: 300x3
Career High Series: 774x2
High Game 09'-10' Season:300
High Series 09'-10':774
I'm in.
Chris Orgeman 
Get MOTIVated and Bowl Up A Storm!
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in.
im in
I'm in.
Spence Hayashi
I'm in.
"This space for rent"
I'm in!
Party like a mortician....Grab a cold one!
"I'm in"
Tag Team Coaching Success Story
AKA: addik
I'm in.
Proud Member of the Track Legion
Tag Team Coaching Success Story
I'm in.
Tag Team Coaching Success Story
http://msc2471.wordpress.com (personal blog)
http://www.imhotep.no (Imhotep- metal music interviews and reviews)
http://www.gaspetc.com (G.A.S.P. Etc.- metal music and horror reviews and interviews)
http://www.blistering.com (Blistering- metal music reviews, news, interviews)
I'm in
"I'm in"
Edited by BBA on 2/7/2012 at 10:17 AM
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in.
RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones
I'm in!
don coyote is IN!
I'm in.
Current Arsenal:
Storm Invasion
Storm Anarchy
900 Global Break Point Pearl
I'm in
"I'm in"
A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.
“The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again.â€
I'm in
Arsenal: Track 916AT,920A, straight flush, supernova XP,Resurgence, Burst, and OutBurst! Blue hammer spare ball
" I'm in"
I'm In ( to Win)
I'm In
you have just been played "by the game"
I'm in!!!!!
I'm in
I'm in!
I'm in.
I'm in!
Im in
I'm in.
check my profile for my stats
" I'm In"
I'm in.
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
I'm in
"I'm In"
Im in
I'm In for sure!!!!
I'm in!
I'm IN
Old Man Still Learning300x4 800x3 (High 814x2)Hi Avg 218 Cur Ave 214Tweener-Cranker (14Mph 350Revs)Heavy: Storm VG Nano 4000AB Pol / C300 World Beater PolMedium: C300 Outburst Pol / C300 Game PearlLight: C300 Scout Reactive / Brunswich Avalanche Pearl
I'm in
I'm in
im in
I'm in!

Ride the Lightning 
"I'm in"
I'm In
I'm in
Roll with 900 Global.
Made in Texas!
" IM IN "
I'm In
"I'm in"
Thanks brunswick for moving bowling ball manufacturing to Mexico. 

Now using 900 Global & AMF equipment, scoring higher than when I was using brunswick plus it's manufactured in America by Americans.
I'm in!
Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1/2 Nano and Anarchy #3/4- Virtual Energy/Polished VG #5-Big Hit (spare and really dry) #6- Gravity Shift
#7- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie)
"I'm In"
I'm in
Edited by jmattox on 2/26/2012 at 8:28 PM
i am in
"I'm in" and you are entered into the drawing.
life is short enjoy it.
I'm in.
"I'm in"
I'm in
im in too...
I'm in.
GPS member (Lerro's Pro Shop - East Orange, NJ)
900 Global.......The Future is in your hands.
Wow! What a pleasant surprise! Thanks Ballreviews and 900 Global!
way to go Dan.
Congratulations Dan .. good luck with the ball!!