I believe it depends on the bowler, his style, comfort zone, expectations, alley conditions. While its true different mfg. are better known for their anchor products as pertaining to lower or higher Rg's, and Diff. , coverstocks that react to friction more or less, etc., their are two major reasons to be objective with ball choices,
1st is scoring with what ball or balls gives the individual his best chance once he matches up to conditions he is bowling on at any given time. The second it the fun and challenge of trying different mfg.
If all someone wants to do is show up for social reasons, just use an alley ball, otherwise if we spend time and effort to improve and enjoy at the same time, I believe it behooves us to research and work on varieties of game plans and work on being as versatile as we can be. There is so much more to this game then in the past with rubber, plastic and urethane and one can only learn that by being open to the new technologies in this game. A lot of effort by all mfg. goes into to providing us with new stuff continuously. Why not support them to keep doing this while progressing ourselves?
Edited by gadgetman on 1/26/2011 at 6:28 AM