Hey Gutterline,
I say at least try it at least once in your lifetime. Maybe make a vacation out of it if you don't mind mixing in some bowling.
I agree with George (Mvpbowler), it is a great tournament with bang for the buck. This year, you will get guaranteed 2 balls and if you are doing the marathon entry, I believe you will get 3.
By the way, what's up George, this is Ramil, we met at the Megabucks a few years ago, but you probably forgot who I am hehe. You were throwing Visionary at the time. This was during the 08' February TAT lol. You bowling this February? If so, see you there, I'll be sure to say what's up.
Anyways, yes, the condition they put out can be challenging at times and at other times it may feel not too different from your house-shot. I wouldn't say the shot is wide open though.
Depending on which division you bowl in, the cuts will be a little different. For 205 and under, you will see the cuts go as low as 625-650ish.
For the 35 and under division you will see cuts around 700.
36-50 division you will see 700 as well.
51-Seniors can average around high 600s to 700 too.
189 and under the cuts I am not sure about since it is a new division and I would say those cuts would probably range around low 600's or High 500's for bowlers who truly average 189 and below. Of course we all know some bowlers are creative with their averages lol.
Yes the ratio is a little tough 1 in 10 for TAT, but for the value, it is a great tournament and sometimes PBA Tour Player Dino Castillo will come out to help with layouts, etc. if there's a break on the National Tour.
If you do decide to come down, good luck!