I bowled back in the early 80s when I was in school and have to admit I was not very good compared to my friends and family but it was allot of fun and a big time activity in Detroit, averaged in the 160s. I never had any formal training.
After school and leaving that area I feel out of touch with the sport. Fell back into the sport hard about 4 years ago, bought a Blue Vibe and jumped into a few leagues. Time moving on I was getting better but not at the pace I hoped so I ignorantly started to by more balls from different companies and with different characteristics thinking the next ball would get me over a 200 average. After getting no were doing that and spending allot of money I started reading books and post on this site and got some ideas on how to get better. I finally stopped buying balls and got a coach. Learned not to just go out and shoot 12 extra games a week but actually how to practice. Currently I average just above 220 in both of my leagues and averaged 183 in my second PBA league last summer. I still work hard on shot making and spare shooting and hope to do better this summer in the PBA league. I know I will never be great but I enjoy learning and chasing my personal goals.
Not every one is a know it all and if the people in the know stay willing to help that will in at least a small way help the sport of bowling.