General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: jaf1224 on June 22, 2004, 11:34:02 PM
My girlfriend and I joined one of the summer leagues this year. There is an older guy on another team that feels the need to give my girl tips. One of the things he told her last night is very different to what I have heard in the past. She threw one of the nicest balls I have ever seen her throw and when she returned she said she felt a burn on the her finger tips when she released. I have always heard that was common, especially when you are just learning to throw a hook shot. He told her that it isn't good and she shouldn't feel that and that she is probably squeezing the ball when she releases. Which is correct?
What she was feeling was the result of lifting the ball. In today's game, the "experts" say that lift is now a bad thing...
If the "burn" was due to hitting the ball a certain way, great. If it was due to an ill fitting ball, grips too tight, too little bevel on the edge of the finger holes, not a good thing.
So - like I said earlier - the answer to your question is "depends"

Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz
Thanks. I am not sure what it was due to.. She hasn't complained about the fit or bevel so I assume she was referring to the lift. I'll have to ask her tonight. Thanks.
Fingertip burn goes along with bowling well for me. If I don't get fingertip burn, it's a sign I'm doing something wrong, and it shows in my scores. My fingertips suffer no damage. They look the same after bowling as they did before except for a little redness. They're totally normal by morning.
This is not to say that everyone should experience this effect.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
She should feel a "heavy-ness" on the fingers at release not a physical burning sensation.
A lot of the time if you physically burn the tips of your fingers to a brownish tint then your span is too long.
Otherwise like Mumzie stated it the fingers may just need additional bevel or they might need to have some reverse pitch put in the fingers.
Good Question -- I know I occasionally feel a "burn" -- would have to go along with Mumzie's comment about "hitting" the ball well -- that's what I associate this feeling with --- Also feel like daShiv -- I don't associate this feeling with pain -- the balls are all well fitted and I don't have a lot of swelling problems, etc that would cause this --- but then again, I'm "old school" like daShiv --- I can't really comment on new bowling theory, but I simply don't associate that "burn" with a problem delivery.
She should feel a "heavy-ness" on the fingers at release not a physical burning sensation.
A lot of the time if you physically burn the tips of your fingers to a brownish tint then your span is too long.
hmm, thats why my friends fingers look like he dunked them in mud.
Every once in awhile, I'll rev it up more than my usual shot. I guess it's from hitting up on it at the bottom of my swing, but when I do, my fingers burn pretty bad. Feels almost like blister inducing, and they get pretty red. Surprisingly, many of my best shots happen when I burn my finger tips.