Okay, Here's what the USBC Rules dept. say about it.
(TL;DR answer at bottom)
Question: A player during the delivery releases the ball onto the approach before the foul line:
1: Does that violate any USBC rule?
2: If oil on the ball gets on the approach because of said delivery, is the player in violation of Rule 12 – Approaches Must Not Be Defaced?
Good Afternoon,
This is in regards to your inquiry.
A bowler who releases the ball behind the foul line would not violate any USBC Rule.
In regards to your second question, if oil is left behind on the approach and it is affecting other members of the leagues approach, it could be a violation of Rule 12.
It would be best to speak with the bowler and explain the fact that their delivery could affect others within the league. If the member refuses to move up further on the approach and continues, a written complaint can be filed with any league officer.
Once a written complaint is filed, the board (captains & officers) would meet and determine if some type of disciplinary action is needed. For example, the board could issue a warning or consider possible removal following the provisions in Rule 115a.
Disciplinary action in the USBC is never automatic or arbitrary, and a definite procedure must be followed whenever a USBC member is to be considered for such action. Dismissal from a league during the season is outlined in Rule 115a and requires a league board of directors’ meeting be held to address the situation and make a decision regarding a complaint received. If a complaint is filed against a member of the league, those involved in the complaint should be present to explain their side of the situation and dismissed only when the board discusses the information provided and makes a decision. It takes a two-thirds vote of the board to dismiss a player from the league.
Please let me know if you have further questions or concerns.
Jennifer Land
Rules Counselor
The TL;DR answer:
"Rolling the ball on the approach isn't against USBC rules."
"Oil off the ball getting on the approach could be a violation of Rule 12. Politely inform the player why they shouldn't do it. If they keep on doing it, file a written complaint to the league and let it run it course and see how far it gets you."