i thought i was the only one getting shafted. gave a "buddy" a new 14# sidewinder and a lightly used super carbide bomb for his dad to drill up. told him he could have it for 75.00 which is what i paid for it and 50 bucks for the scb,( i know, i know, stupid me ) i trusted the dude. took 4 freaking months and then he gives me a beat up gamebreaker and a really nice paradigm, 15# so i couldn't use them but i could sell them to at least get back some of what he owed me. i told him i sold the paradigm and he had the audacity to get pissed because i didn't GIVE HIM THE MONEY for the ball.i told him i was still about 50 bucks short. bottom line, this past year he wanted to try some 14#ers again so he came back to me to TRY one of mine because his wrist was hurting. this time i said money up front 1st, he said he wanted to try it and see if he liked it before he bought it. not this time Buckwheat. i hope your freaking wrist falls off. by the way, i told everyone not to deal with this guy. i believe in karma. treat people decent and hopefully they'll treat you the same. so far, so good on dealing with guys on this sight.