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Author Topic: Finally replacing some old-ish equipment  (Read 2066 times)


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Finally replacing some old-ish equipment
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:22:50 AM »
In 5 weeks itll be the end of my Thursday night league, which means prize payout! :D

My arsenal that I use right now looks like this:-

Brunswick Nexus (pin down, not many games)
Storm Modern Marvel (pin up, nearly brand new)
Storm Hyroad (pin up, not many games)
Storm Tropical Heat Hybrid (2" - loads of games!!!!)
Storm Victory Road Pearl (Pin up, again had it for ages)

So im looking for replacements for the Victory Road pearl and Tropical Heat Hybrid, and for some advice. Im gonna sound like a storm fanboy, but thats what ive had experience with and I like their stuff. That being said, im not against other companies if there is something on the market that I NEED to look at.

Im a left hander, who (suprise suprise) is nearly all behind the ball, probably something like 325 rpm.

The heat has been a great ball for down and in with the 2" pin, so Ill be looking for another hybrid for a similar layout.
And the Victory Road Pearl has been my go to ball when I have to play inside when the heads are gone. Since I struggle to get around the ball, having the break point be so late has been a big help.

Thanks for reading this, any help and opinion is appreciated.



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Re: Finally replacing some old-ish equipment
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 04:29:15 PM »
The Lights Out can replace the Tropical Heat Hybrid.
The new Rocket (hybrid, smoother than VRP) or the Hy-Road Pearl (slightly flippier than the VRP) can replace the Victory Road Pearl.
The Roto-Grip (Storm's sister company) Unhinged is also a potential replacement for the VRP.

My only concern is how you have maintained these two balls. What I mean is if they are worn (surface not kept polished like the factory surface) or if they are oil soaked (they need to have the oil extracted), then they will hook earlier and smoother than the 2 replacements, which will be factory strong.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 04:34:04 PM by charlest »
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Finally replacing some old-ish equipment
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2015, 10:02:03 PM »
I agree with Charlest, unhinged is a great option to replace the vrp. If you're open to other companies, the Brunswick melee jab is also a good choice.