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Author Topic: Finally...  (Read 2324 times)


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« on: July 05, 2004, 09:22:18 PM »
As some of you may have heard, Massachusetts finally passed a law to ban cigarette smoking inside workplaces. That means that my bowling center, as of yesterday, is smoke free. It was nice to be able to bowl and not smell like an ashtray when I left last night. However, I did overhear the secretary saying that quite a few of the league members had already quit the league. Its ashame that people wont give up 2 hrs of cigarette smoking to continue to bowl. Oh well, just had to share with everyone.
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2004, 12:33:07 PM »
doesn't surprise me .... CA, NY, now MA ....all liberal states so-to-speak....

Being a non -smoker, I'd love it here in Michigan...although usually voting Democrat, this would never pass due to the working class/blue collar population we have here....a lot of smokers. (caveat: this was not a derogatory comment against blue-collar!)

..... Though it would be nice....for 'non-smokers' ...from a political point of view,'s really not's an example of the government telling us what we can and can't do....

Rock, maybe they're quitting out of principal, and not just that they can't smoke.....just guessing're probably more correct! If they bowl and live in MA,...what, they've quit bowling all together ??
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Edited on 7/6/2004 12:32 PM

channel surfer

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Re: Finally...
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2004, 12:43:16 PM »
VA banned it, but theres still a room for smokers. I still smell like smoke when I leave though.
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2004, 02:41:58 PM »
Sorry, smoker talking here.  Same thing happened out here in Cal when they banned smoking.  Individuals quit bowling because they felt it was a violation of their personal rights plus they've been accustomed to something so long.  You can't just take something away from somebody (especially adults) after they've gotten used to it, just human nature.  However, after talking to several proprietors, they told me the same thing that Bones stated, more familys came out to participate.  Maybe this was the trend of having a higher levels of open play (paying full price) vs your avg league bowler.

Cal is extremely health conscious though, no red meat mentality for years plus now we even have no to low carb sandwiches at McDonalds, Taco Bell, and other fast food places.  How do you make no carb bread?  We even have low carb pizza, maybe it's all synthetic now...

I understand smoking is bad, especially when it can even cause harm to those around you.  If I had a choice to drive on roads with "only" drunk drivers or not, I know what roads I'd choose.

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Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Finally...
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2004, 02:47:39 PM »
Connecticut banned it.
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2004, 03:11:10 PM »
Rock77: Massachusetts may have passed this ban but both the centers I bowl in had town laws that disallowed smoking in the main part of a bowling center- in Winchendon at Playaway Lanes you've had to smoke outside for over 2 years and in Gardner you could only smoke in the bar area (which now is disallowed).



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Re: Finally...
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2004, 03:13:36 PM »
All the smokers moaned when Florida banned it but if anyone quit they were replaced soon enough by someone who was happy to be in the smoke free environment.  It's been over a year now and the local newspaper reported that restaurant and liquor sales have increased, as you might have guessed the restaurant and bar owners were among those screaming the loudest before the ban went into effect.


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Re: Finally...
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2004, 01:59:34 AM »
They banned smoking in colorado probably less than a year ago. I really don't think anyone cared thought becuase colorado is such a "naturalistic" state
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2004, 09:04:30 AM »
So the point is to asking a smoker to bowl an entire league without a cigarette is a lot to ask.  A smoker will get jittery in about a half-hour.  This is why it would be nice if smokers could at least go into the bar every once in a while between frames.

What's that smoker supposed to do on a flight from New York to Los Angeles?  He/she can't step out for 10 minutes for a quick smoke, right?  If the air passenger can wait four hours on a plane, they should wait four hours for bowling (but the bowling center isn't 35,000 feet in the air, either).  The only real issue about smoking between frames in a non-smoking center is if that particular league is being followed by another league, it could make the second league a little late to get started.
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2004, 09:12:36 AM »
Good point Luv!!

McB , ..... that's what happens when you live in a liberal whacko state!
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2004, 09:14:08 AM »
Being a NY'er (ok, start the jokes) in the Buffalo area (now the snow jokes) we have been in a "smoke free" environment for awhile. It has not affected the number of league bowlers persay, but it has almost "killed" the bar business at the lanes.

Restaurants have been hurt less than bars/taverns, but it has put a financial hurt on many businesses that are formed around socialization.

Regardless of your postion, smoker/non-smoker, where does the business owner have any power now? Shouldn't the person OWNING the business have the choice to ban/allow smoking? Then the patrons have the choice to enter, or not enter. As to employees, well, there is nothing that says you HAVE to work in a smoking establishment.

I am a fireman, and it is MY choice to be in a hazardous position!

Just my worthless 2 cents!
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2004, 09:16:44 AM »
Everyone speaks to the point that the "SMOKERS" rights are being thwarted.  When do I get to exert my rights to not breathe that second hand smoke.

Get over it, that filthy habit is unhealthy and I support 100% that ban anyplace, anytime.  


Edited on 7/8/2004 9:35 AM


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Re: Finally...
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2004, 09:17:45 AM »

Regardless of your postion, smoker/non-smoker, where does the business owner have any power now? Shouldn't the person OWNING the business have the choice to ban/allow smoking? Then the patrons have the choice to enter, or not enter. As to employees, well, there is nothing that says you HAVE to work in a smoking establishment.

The way our government was truly intended ....YES...the above is REALLY the way it should be....
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Re: Finally...
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2004, 09:51:33 AM »
Everyone speaks to the point that the "SMOKERS" rights are being thwarted.  When do I get to exert my rights to not breathe that second hand smoke.

Get over it, that filthy habit is unhealthy and I support 100% that ban anyplace, anytime.  


Edited on 7/8/2004 9:35 AM

You can exert your right simply by not entering that establishment.  Government does not belong in private enterprise.  If they honestly are so against smoking, then ban tobacco products.  Don't condone the manufacturing and the sale and then ban the consumption.  

This isn't about "smoker's rights".  It's about the rights of private enterprise.  We can't have a free market economy which helps to keep prices at the proper level, if the government tries to regulate every aspect of a business's operation.


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Re: Finally...
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2004, 11:56:53 AM »
I too am a non-smoker, and hate bowling in bowling centers and coming home smelling like smoke.  Although, I have bowled in several centers with very good ventilation systems and smoke eaters, and it doesn't bother me at all unless it's right in front of me.  So I bowl with non-smokers.

I hear about all of these bars going out of business due to the ban, and quite frankly, that makes me sick.  That is totally unfair and against what this country was founded on.  The whole concept behind our "capitalistic society" is that the government cannot interfere with the economy, but we all know that is way far from what is reality.  Our economy hasn't been a true capitalistic economy for quite some time now, and it's getting way out of hand in my opinion.

Let's look at the big picture here.  What they are trying to do is create a society that does not smoke and does not drink and does not do drugs.  That should be what the real discussion is about, because that is what they are trying to do!

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