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Author Topic: Ball plug and redrill...  (Read 9717 times)


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Ball plug and redrill...
« on: December 18, 2008, 01:54:22 AM »
Hi everyone,

As a pro shop operator I feel that when a customer comes in to my store and pays $60 for a full plug (balance hole if neccessary) and redrill that not only do I match the colour perfectly to the ball with any swirl pattern or colour scheme but I finish the ball on the haus so it looks as new as possible.

I feel that $60 is a fair charge (including grips and slugs) for this and most of the time I will tell my customers that I can have the ball ready within 2 days.

A lot of time goes into this process and the end result I feel HAS to be professional.

So, how many of you would be happy with a ball finished like Nerco's? I'm sure most of you saw it?

Basically he waited 3 days for a ball that took 45-90 minutes to completely finish and was happy with the colour match of grey on a red/blue/purple gravity shift.

I'm not knocking the shop I just want feedback. The fit at the end of the day is the only thing that matters, and that it does in Nerco's case.


Edited on 12/18/2008 11:40 AM



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Re: Ball plug and redrill...
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2008, 09:58:01 AM »
I've been doing my own work for about 1 1/2 years, so I'm still learning.  I try to color match as close as possible, but I don't have any sort of color guide, so it's done strictly by eye and feel.  I've never bothered to try and match color swirls - color matching is hard enough (especially with purples!).  

I don't do it enough to really have it down yet, so I'm really just happy when I get the plug cut down close enough to not have to spend a lot of time on the spinner trying to smooth it down, and when I can minimize the number of chunks out of the plug (maybe I'm moving too fast?).  I'm more concerned about avoiding flat/high spots than with the color.

Of the two shops that I used to use, one would do a fairly good job with the color match (no swirls), while the other would only do a clear plug.

I've seen a ton of poor plug jobs during leagues.  I talking about plug that is coming loose from the hole, high/flat spots that you can see from 5 feet away, major chunks, etc.

I guess as long as the ball performs that should be the main concern, but I agree that a shop should take pride in their work.
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Re: Ball plug and redrill...
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2008, 08:26:36 PM »
Necro, looks like this ball got the extra plug that they poured into your Gravity Shift.

MTD, Where are pics of your work like you claimed you would post?

LOL!  I may have been interested in the ball (curious of the Gamebreaker's similiarity to the V2 and ONE) but the pin is 1 inch or less.  Nasty specs.  As far as the plug job - Necro gives it an A+.
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Re: Ball plug and redrill...
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2008, 09:00:40 PM »
I'm glad you have a sense of humor, cuz I lol'ed as soon as I saw that ball and thought about yours.  The plug job is worse than the specs.

Gamebreaker sounds like a winner, I've seen a few in action and the look is great.  Plus, I hardly ever hear of anyone that has bad things to say about the core/cover.