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Author Topic: in a slump...? please help!  (Read 2148 times)


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in a slump...? please help!
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:39:04 PM »
Back around Febuary and march, I was shooting 600's consistently and really doing great. For the past month I haven't shot a single 600 series, and its really getting annoying. I don't know if it is a mental thing or what. It possibly may be adjusting to the lanes incorrectly. Most of the time, my first game is good, but then when second and third games come around, Im just not throwing as many strikes, sometimes going high sometimes light. What can I do to change this and adjust to the lanes better. Also, is there anyway to actually practice adjusting to lanes besides league?



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Re: in a slump...? please help!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 10:24:02 PM »
Sorry to hear about your slump.  I was in a very similar situation a while back, and it took me a month or two to figure it all out.  It sounds like after the first game, the part of the lane you're playing is drying up.  The ball will either pick up too early if you throw it slower, or won't pick up at all if you throw it harder.

What I would suggest is once the oil starts to change, move quite a bit left or right to get into a new part of the lane.  I would say move right (this is all assuming you're a righty) at first, and move a good 5 boards right to get away from the area you were originally playing.  Try that part of the lane, and if it isn't working well, then move left of where you were originally.  And if neither of those moves produce results, then it may be a mismatch of gear and you might need to look at weaker equipment, or polishing your ball up now.

To practice adjusting to lanes, what I did/do is go to open bowling after a night where there's only ONE league and then open bowling.  This way you have lanes that have only a handful of games on it, enough to change the lanes from how they started, and you can really work on how to bowl during lanes that are in transition.

Good luck, and I hope everything works out well!
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Re: in a slump...? please help!
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 10:39:39 AM »
I would say that it's mental.  I've found that most slumps are.   Just go back to basics. Don't over think.  Just focus on making good shots and not dwell on the bad ones.  You'll see things start to change.


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Re: in a slump...? please help!
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 10:48:00 AM »
I usually slump pretty badly about once a season.  Yes you can work yourself out of them.  However, I would strongly recommend seeing a good coach.  They have trained eyes and can spot stuff that you probably don't even know you're doing.  I went through this earlier this year.  Mine lasted about 2 months with no end in sight.  I went to a guy that I know is top notch and that I trust.  The changes were simple and I went right back to scoring the way I knew I could.  Your frustration will only lead to worse results that may eventually turn around, but why go through that?

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Re: in a slump...? please help!
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 11:02:21 AM »

1- Simplify everything.
2- Move closer to friction - cut down the rev rate if necessary.
3- Roll the ball instead of trying to manipulate ball reaction.
4- Relax and let it come back together.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: in a slump...? please help!
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 11:09:39 AM »
slumps are hard to get out of sometimes. like someone said earlier, gt back to basics. one thing that helps me is going back to a practice drill i used to do. i would bowl a game starting at first arrow, stay there till i get a pocket strike then move to the next arrow and repeat. bowl a whole game like this. all the while im tinkering things like my release and grip pressures to get the ball to strike. a couple of games of this really helps, and it teaches you to be versatile. once you can change releases and grips and grip pressures, you'll be a better bowler and the slumps wont last as long. another person suggest that the center cut back on lane oil and they are right, most centers shorten the length and some cut back on volumes of the pattern cause less people bowl in the summer. before you go buy a new ball, simply change the surface first with your proshop guy. theres no need to buy a new ball just for s summer league. without knowing the lane surface of the center you bowl in, or your style i really cant tell you how high to go on surface but ill bet you you need to go up, and maybe some polish.
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