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Author Topic: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)  (Read 775 times)

trash heap

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A few things I am going to state that I noticed where I bowl (A little with a local bowling) that has happened to me in league in the past 10 years.

1. 4 Ball Bag: I started back to league bowling in 1999. In 2000 my wife buys me a 4 ball bag (obviously on wheels). I was the first person in my league to have one. I took a lot heat and jokes about this. Guys saying why do you need that many balls. I knew people where laughing. Me I didn't care...I got it and I am going to use it...saved my shoulder and back wheeling in those in...instead of carrying them.

But I can guarantee you that there were some in the league that wanted to get the same bag as me. Why? Cause they were carrying 4 balls in two bags (1 bag on the shoulder and the other with their hands). I knew they weren't going to cause they saw all the jokes pointed at me.

Also I would see some guys with 3 ball Bags that had wheels but would NOT use the wheels. I guess real men carry their balls! (Insert your joke here).

Well this went on for 2 years. And I was still the only one in league with the big bag. After that...slowly one by one people started getting bags that had 4 balls and used the wheels. Its something normal.

2. Plastic Spare Ball: I was one of the few (not the first) in the area to have a plastic ball as a spare ball. I looked at it as something practical and good thing to do. I saw the pros on TV with them and it made sense. Used to hear: "All you need is one ball!" or "Real bowlers use one ball!" Well there is alot more bowlers in league using a Plastic Spare Ball today. Again something normal.

3. Cleaning Bowling Balls: Boy did I take alot on this one too. I cleaned my bowling balls after league. I really took jokes on this too. I know nobody did this. Occasionally you see someone roughing up a ball before league or even cleaning it but no one was cleaning their bowling balls consistently.

Now I see many bowlers keeping things clean and ready for the next set.

4. Wearing Shoe covers for Slide Shoe: Only a few of us had these and now there is many who have them. People thought it looked stupid but all it takes is for you to step in a spill one time and you are going to get them (Then proceed to launch yourself down lane on your next throw)

5. Wearing a Shirt with a PBA Logo or Manufacturer (Columbia/Brunswick): I still get it laughed at on this one today. If you wear anything that has PBA on it you hear things like "PBA wanna be?" or "You think you are better than us?" Its okay to wear a Steeler/Penguin jersey to bowling but if it is a shirt with a PBA logo: "That is stupid" and is unacceptable. Maybe in a few years this will become acceptable in my area but I doubt it.

I just find it all very amusing.

Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 11:41:19 AM »
if you wear a pba patch on your shirt and not a pba member.. i would make fun of you

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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 11:50:29 AM »
Keep doing what you like to do. There's a reason those guys average 154 and are still wearing bowling shoes that were bought when Elvis was in his prime...
They got their ball custom fitted at K-Mart 18 years ago and it's still round so it's the same as your new round one, right?

They're the same ones who think that anyone who averages 200 should never ever bowl in a handicapped league, too. They are in a time warp and don't even suspect that the game has changed.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Edited on 12/30/2008 12:51 PM

trash heap

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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 11:53:45 AM »
Guys let get this straight. Its NOT a PBA Patch. Its shirt with the PBA logo. Look at their site you can see them. Its NOT a patch. Its a shirt with "PBA" on it.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 12:08:30 PM »
Guys let get this straight. Its NOT a PBA Patch. Its shirt with the PBA logo. Look at their site you can see them. Its NOT a patch. Its a shirt with "PBA" on it.

thats why i specified patch... shirts are fine... i dont see a reason to make fun of that heck i have a shirt with tommy jones on it lol

trash heap

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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 12:16:45 PM »
Yeah both of you would definitely be looked upon very differently in my local bowling center. If you were in my league you would hear some interesting phrases. "Got that strike..and LOOK I am wearing a t-shirt!!"

It bothers me some but part of me doesn't get it. Football or Hockey jersey okay. Bowling: "You are wanna be, Pro Pretending, Know it all!!" just because you wear a shirt.

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2008, 12:27:44 PM »
In Vegas anything goes, I have worn ball company shirts and asked if i bought my way on to staff. No biggie usually just dress like the slob I am and wear plain black shirts that are drydex, best bowling shirts ever made for sweating.

I could join the PBA but unless the ball deals are that good compared to what I pay why bother with it??? So wearing a PBA shirt would be ok since they are a handful out averaging me in my leagues.

When i was a Newbie it was open game but the longer you bowl and shut them up the whiners will not dare go there with you anymore.


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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2008, 01:58:09 PM »
I wouldn't worry about it.  The guys making those comments are the ones that haven't moved off of 2nd arrow in all the 30+ years they've been bowling - in that same league, on that same team, with the same shoes and the same ball.

Internet Tough Guy

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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Bowlers don't like change (Peer Pressure in Adult bowling leagues)
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2008, 02:00:26 PM »
As long as you are the one getting the last laugh by taking all of their money home every night, I really wouldn't worry about it.
