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Author Topic: 2 of the same balls.  (Read 2930 times)


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2 of the same balls.
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:31:32 AM »
 I have read that some individuals purchase 2 of the same balls, because it really fits their game and they do exceptionally well with it.
My Anaconda is such a ball.  I was thinking of picking up another one NIB.  My question is, for those that have tried to duplicate their original ball with same layout, surface, etc...will the 2nd ball do exactly as then 1st one, or is it just wishful thinking.  This ball just matches up so perfectly for me, I'd really like to have a backup.  Is it worth it?

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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 07:39:18 PM »
I would think that unless you bought two at the same time that it would be nearly impossible. I have a couple of reasons:
1. If the balls were made in different runs, they are likely to be slightly different. If they cured for different amounts of time, or at a slightly different temperature, or if the air temp or humidity of the day were different, there is likely to be at least a bit of a noticeable difference in the ball reactions.
2. The other reason I don't think they will seem identical to you is that your ball has changed over time. If you really liked the ball at box surface and haven't changed it, the surface is likely to have been changed by the lane in a way that you can't duplicate with a pad. Also the ball has soaked up oil, ever since the first shot the ball reaction has been changing, most of the time very very slightly. However, over an extended amount of time, the ball reaction is probably quite different due to the oil soakage. Maybe not different in a bad way, because the changes have been very slight, and you've been very happy with the ball the whole time and have adapted to liking the now changed ball reaction.
Chances are, overall, if you are simply in love with your current ball, if you buy another and punch it the exact same way and put it at the exact same surface, you won't see the exact same ball reaction, and will like the new one less.
Getting another of the same ball isnt a bad idea still. I'd reccomend going with a slightly different layout or surface, so that you aren't expecting the exact same reaction as your old one. This way you're a lot more likely to give the ball a fair shot based on expecting a different reaction, and I'd say are likely to love it just as much as the original, just in a different way.
Hope this helped. 


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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 07:53:27 PM »
I doubt you would notice much difference if any.


I prefer getting two of the same when I get  something I really like and the price is right. Some I drill similar others I drill different to compliment each other.

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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 08:22:41 PM »
I have done this on occasion, usually intending for the second ball to be an exact copy of the first (hence no changes in surface or drilling) ,and had mixed results.  First time I bought a 2nd Storm Triple X, which turned out to be a pretty good copy of the first one. Also bought a second Storm Triple Extreme, but it was only 15lbs, vs it's 16 lb "older brother, making comparisons difficult. Also have 2 Hammer Angers, but the second one has a short pin, and whether it's perception or reality, doesn't seem as potent as the original.


On the other hand, I have two Ebonite Raids, and they are both equally as effective, and so similar in reaction, that I literally got them mixed up and do not know if I'm using the first or the second one.


Then...  there's the Track 607A (pin up) that I fell in love with and wanted to duplicate, but stupidly told the driller to make it a tad stronger. I meant longer and with more backend, but he thought I wanted earlier roll and drilled it with the pin to the right of my ring finger, and although the ball is strong alright, it was no longer anything close to being a copy of the first ball.  Not the driller's fault.  My fault.  But a disappointment just the same.  Recently, I purchased a 718A, and had it drilled to react similar to the 607A (the first one!).  It doesn't have that many games on it yet, so maybe it will settle down, but so far, it's nothing like the first 607A.  I DID know it was a bit stronger to begin with, but figured with the same drilling and with some useage, that it would start to more closely resemble 607A number 1.


Well...  that's my experience with duplicating balls.  The jury is still out for me, but maybe it will help put things in perspective for others considering such a purchase.


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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 10:24:45 AM »
I have done this twice with great results both times.  Two weeks ago I drilled a second Nomad Solid since I liked this first one a lot.  I wore it out using on almost any pattern.  The second one is laid out identically to the the first one and I have the same surface on both.  The second ball react just like the first did when it was new.


I also did this with The One.  I actually had three of those all drilled the same.  They reacted the same.

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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 01:45:51 PM »
Its hit and miss.  I had a Heist Pearl that I enjoyed throwing, than the core separated.  I purchased another one with the same specs, and put the same drill pattern on it.  Needless to say, the second one out hooked the first one by 7 boards easy.  But, on the other hand, I had a Villain Pearl that I sold and had found a good deal on another one.  So I put the same drilling on that one as the first, and it rolled identical.  So I am at a 50% ration right now.

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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 05:02:09 PM »
 Some mixed results, guess it may depend on the ball itself.

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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2011, 12:40:57 PM »
I did this and it worked for me, i never noticed a difference in the bals. Cant hurt to try it.


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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2011, 01:38:42 PM »
You would need to find out the top weight pre drilling and the pin length.  You'll never get the exact same reaction but you should be able to get something very close if you drill them the same.  Different batches and usage of the older balls certainly play a role in reaction though.  I have owned a few balls that I had multiples of but never had two that rolled identical.


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Re: 2 of the same balls.
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2011, 08:16:16 PM »
I almost always drill up 2 of each ball... one pin up and one pin down...

Ryan Press - Seismic Staff Member