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Author Topic: Swollen Thumb...  (Read 683 times)


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Swollen Thumb...
« on: October 31, 2008, 05:47:55 AM »
Hey guys, my thumb tends to get swollen and callused up every 2-3 months.  Its not a real big deal, but I tend to get frustrated when I can barely squeeze my thumb into my ball at times.  Do I squeeze?  Yes, quite a bit actually.  I've been thinking about changing my pitch.  My pitches are at 0 right now.  If I'm swollen mainly on the right side of my thumb or the outside of my thumb, however you choose to look at it (I'm a lefty), how would I want my pitch to go to reduce the grabbing and swelling?
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Re: Swollen Thumb...
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 11:56:25 PM »
Stupid seven Pin....

The easiest thing to do, is to add some pitch in the direction you are feeling the rub. Left lateral or right lateral. If you use thumb slugs this is easy. I will tell you first, I am right handed. My teammate was having the same problem with swelling but he did squeeze the ball. He had a slug in his thumb hole and said it was slick and hard to hold on to. He is left handed but I do not know his pitches. I gave him a cork to use in the front of his ball. This gives him a consistent feel in all of his equipment now. Your problem could be totally different than his. Without looking at your ball or watching bowl you it is kind of a guessing game at this point.



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Re: Swollen Thumb...
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 05:44:56 PM »
If the problem is where I think it is it never will go away until you stop "knuckling" your thumb.  Keep the thumb straight in the hole and apply any pressure you need with the base of the thumb instead of with the tip.  --  JohnP