I wish I could afford to buy every ball that comes out, but it's insane how many new balls come out each year. I read some blog recently that talked about the number of releases and in 2009 there were 258 new releases from 33 manufacturers. 21-22 new balls per month! Wow!
I really don't understand why manufacturers need to release so many bowling balls each year. Granted they are re-using some technology that they already created and putting a new spin on it, but there still has to be a cost associated with R&D, marketing, etc. Why not just release a line of balls (heavy, medium, and light oil lineup) and push those balls for an entire season. As long as people like them and are having success with them, why spend the money to create something else. It's almost like a new ball doesn't have enough time to get established as a "winner" before they dump it for the next release. Then they push the pros to throw the newest release even though they were having amazing success with the other ball that came out 3 weeks ago and winning.
Wes Mallot for example destroyed the competition with the original Cell and the Cell Pearl, he hasn't touched those balls since he captured the player of the year. Sure he's had some other timing issues and such, but I still think he could win with the "old" technology. We all know Wes throws for Roto-Grip, if he can win with an older Roto-Grip ball, that's still phenominal publicity for the brand Roto-Grip. It shouldn't matter what ball a pro is throwing as long as the manufacturer is on the shirt.
I really don't know where I'm heading with this post, I really feel like I'm rambling and not making any sence at this point so I'll just end with this:
The market is definatly flooded, but if your pro shop operator is good, he/she should be able to filter through everything and find the right ball for your needs.
Edited by ImBackInTheGame on 1/7/2011 at 10:02 AM