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Author Topic: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set  (Read 2052 times)


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Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:50:51 AM »
 Seems like all my recent posts have been honor score related, but thats been the trend recently. Theres a kid on my Friday night team, solid bowler, 220ish average, first year out of youth, and he has the front 9 last night. Guy on the other team is up there first, throws his first ball, and is waiting. The kid gets up there, strikes, and walks back to the return. The guy on the other team is wearing headphones, and just going about his business, but his teammates start yelling at him to hold on. So other teams hear, see whats going on, and everybody else stops bowling to watch. The kid sees whats going on, picks up his ball and overhooks it, and leaves a 3 pin. The kid has had a pair of 299s, and an 800 in a tournament that he didnt know he got until he was done with the 3rd game, so hes still fresh with the big score pressure in the tenth frame.

I realize that people want to stand back and watch, but lane courtest makes sure you arent bowling at the same time as the person next to you, so you will get to watch the shot either way. So why do people think it makes it easier if they make sure you know they are standing back and waiting on you? Ive seen people standing on the approach with their hand in the ball ready to go and catch the person next to them that has the front 9 pick their ball off the return and they will step off and put their ball down and wait. I kind of expect it now, so i try not to pay attention, it just irritates the hell out of me. If i get up there at the same time as somebody with the front 9 does and they wave me on, im going, im not gonna turn things upside down. Theres a rhythm to it, and if you spend a whole game doing things normally and then you change it up and add a little pressure, it causes a problem. I wanted to tell everybody to keep bowling, but the damage had already been done. So how do you all see it?

That's just like, your opinion, man.


The Dreaded Durbin

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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 09:12:46 AM »
I don't like when the pair stops bowling, and the pairs next to you stop just because you have the front 9 or 10.   In ways I feel rushed to get the next shot off.  I bowl some tournaments and regionals and there is no stopping for people with strings.
It's like people who will not bowl next to a split. 

T C 300

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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 09:44:12 AM »
what i hate is a guy from the other team sitn down in the pits writing the scores down and  talkn shiit... oh i wana see you shoot a spair. you gona take that???. 
krap like that!! in our friday nite league theres a team wit a douchee bag like that.. he said shiit to me when/while i was shootn my 300 and did it to a buddy the last time we bowled them(he only shot 288)
the last 2 strikes he got crotch-chops in his face!!  well deserved crotch-chops
the even better part i needed the last strike to win the game by 1 stick!!!!!  every time he opened, "he you mite need one of those pins standing later..???!!!  LMFAO


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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 11:57:10 AM »


T C 300 wrote on 1/8/2011 10:44 AM:
what i hate is a guy from the other team sitn down in the pits writing the scores down and  talkn shiit... oh i wana see you shoot a spair. you gona take that???. 


krap like that!! in our friday nite league theres a team wit a douchee bag like that.. he said shiit to me when/while i was shootn my 300 and did it to a buddy the last time we bowled them(he only shot 288)

the last 2 strikes he got crotch-chops in his face!!  well deserved crotch-chops

the even better part i needed the last strike to win the game by 1 stick!!!!!  every time he opened, "he you mite need one of those pins standing later..???!!!  LMFAO

Um..... what?  Was that an attempt at English?


Back on topic, it's a catch 22.  Some people want 4 lanes on either side when they have a string going, some just want to keep the flow as it was.  There's no way to know what type of person you're dealing with, so it sounds like the other team was just trying to be polite.  It's hard to know what to do.  If I'm right next to a guy with a chance at 300, I'll let him go first during the first 9 frames if we look to be ready at the same time but I'll continue bowling.  Once in the 10th, I'll just back off and wait if it looks like I might be a distraction to him.  Most people would rather have a little extra time/space even if it does make them feel like they're being put on stage a bit.

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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 03:39:05 PM »
I can't stand the five lane courtesy some look for, but 3 weeks ago i had the front 10.  Guy steps up right next to me.  I put the ball down and take a sec.  I let him throw his shot.  Picked up the ball, go through my preshot ball wipe and what not.  Get on the lane and set.  Next thing i know, i'm in the middle of my first step and the guy walks up to the line again.  Pulled the shot and shot 288.  I'm not saying that i would have struck, but the guy was clueless!  When bowling a good game, we just have to realize, not many people are true bowlers, many are just out to have a good night.  It just sucks when they can do something that dumb without even realizing it.

Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1- Virtual Energy #2- Anarchy #3- Virtual Gravity #4- Gravity Shift #5- Big Hit (spare and really dry)
#6- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie)  #7- Invasion (Only if NOTHING else does ANYTHING)


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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 05:17:40 PM »
I would try to continue on as usual if I was next to or against someone who was that far along. The only way I wouldn't was if I knew that the person did not want you going and they wanted to finish. I always liked it when "normal pace" was kept. It just seemed more natural to me. I am just guessing that there will be a wide variety of things that people will say and do. 



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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 05:35:28 PM »
In my opinion, courtesy is courtesy whether on a long string or not.  Like everything else on life, their are always people who think they are above laws/rules and will do whatever they want regardless.  I also think they it is solely in the hands of the bowler themselves.  If you have a long string, go ahead and not even approach the ball return, until the person on either side has taken the first step in their approach.  That way, when you go to pick your ball up and get on the approach, the bowler next to you is just turning around and walking back from the foul line.


In other words, if YOU time it right, lane courtesy from others wont even be an issue. 

Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Steven Vance
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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 07:07:47 PM »
Locally, it is considered rude and inconsiderate if, when someone has 9 or 10 in a row (during a potential 300 game) to get up on the approach if you're in the the pair to either side of the bowler. We try to allow him or her to have the utmost in quiet and without interruption in achieving a  great goal for most of us. 
If someone does get up on either side of this bowler, without realizing this, we try to get their attention  to step back off the approach.  Again the important thing is to allow them all they need to do what is necessary.
If the bowler has 30 or 40 300s already, this is not nearly as important. 
If the bowler has ZERO or 1, then it is more important to not draw their attention to our stepping off the approach if at all possible but to let them "do their thing". If, however, we draw their attention, of course, they will feel awkward, to say the least. Once someone is doing this, they should be allowed to NOT have their attention drawn away. We want them to feel it is just normal lane courtesy, even if it is not. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is not to distract them

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2011, 08:16:56 PM »
What Charlest said is what I see locally as well

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Lane courtesy for bowlers with a chance at a big game/set
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 08:30:53 PM »
I personally have only had 3 chances to close out a 300, and I was successful with one of them one other was a buried 12th for a solid 8 pin. The one time everyone stopped to watch I couldnt even finish the 11th ball. I prefer that everyone keeps bowling at the normal pace, it keeps me focused.  All my teammates know that if I have the front 8/9 I will walk away from our pair and go chit chat with a friend at the other end of the house, they take that opportunity to tell the other teams around us to keep bowling like normal even after its my turn. I notice the quiet and there shouldnt be silence in a bowling center during league. Thats my .02.

Dan Fettes
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