title says it all, i need something longer & a hair weaker than my mutant cell pearl. My second shift league is getting really dry, & any of my weaker stuff wont finish from inside(anything outside of 10 is completely fried from first shift. So i need something that gives me some good length to clear the heads, but is enough ball to make the corner, or be able to bump the dry.
Any suggestioms
In the bag
Columbia Pure swing(pin under ring, 4.25" p2p, MB 75º, low hole)
Ebonite Mission(pin under bridge,5.25" p2p, MB 70º, low weight hole) polish over OOB
Storm Fast(pin under bridge, 5.25" p2p, low weight hole)
Storm Natural(pin over ring, 5" p2p)
Coming soon
high scores??