I’m a recent Brunswick convert. I was a hammer head until I quit bowling back in ’94. All urethane ‘cept the Navy Blue Reactive. When I started bowling again in 98, I tried a few balls from various companies, then settled with Columbia. The Arc, Game, Wow, Wickeds, Spirit, Rip, Pearl Boss, Icon, Icon2 & Icon300, Throttle, Spirit II, various Beasts and Scouts, and lots of other stuff passed through my hands. I also threw a few Tracks, Faball, Hammonite, and a couple of Storm balls. After winning an Inferno, I was intrigued, and tried a few others from the Big-B line, and now I’m hooked. Two things impress me – nothing has cracked – and I can believe the rating system. I had too many surprises from Columbia. Nothing worse than drilling up a ball and discovering that it’s not doing what the numbers led you to believe it would do. So far, everything I’ve drilled (with the exception of the Blazing Inferno) has done exactly what I expected it to do. Their products have a proven track record for durability. Although I love to buy and test bowling balls, I’m going to stick with the Big-B line for a while. I’ll let BTM test all the others.