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Author Topic: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?  (Read 7936 times)


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Looking for some opinions and/or advice.

Last season, I bought a ball and had a couple re-drilled to "match" the measurements for my hand.  Prior to this, my "arsenal" consisted of balls drilled by several different shops due to the fact that I'm cheap and only had balls that I won.  In other words, I would win a ball at a tournament or during a drawing.

Last season, a pro-shop opened in one of the houses I bowl at and after speaking to the proprietor over the course of several weeks, I decided to have him check out my existing equipment and see what he thought.

He quickly verified what I already assumed; that most of my equipment, while close to my "go-to ball," a T-Road Pearl,  this pitches and spans were all a little different.  In addition, the finger inserts were slightly different in design and size.

As the bridge of the T-Road Pearl was cracked, I decided to get a Victory Road Pearl as a replacement and had a Custom fitting.  The ball seemed to come off my hand better and after using if for a while, decided to have the rest of my arsenal re-drilled to have the same measurements.  I put the T-Road away.

As many of you may have read, a couple months ago I Injured the index finger of my left hand while stopping into Completebowler's shop.  Just prior to my splitting open my left index finger, we noticed that the span of my ring finger seemed to be a little too short. 

Today, I went bowling for the 1st time since the injury.  when i got home, I pulled out the T-Road just to check it put and indeed, it does seem that the ring finger span on that ball is just a little longer.

Sorry for the long winded post but I am wondering, what do you think is the impact of having a shorter ring finger span?  Does it change my ball delivery much and therefore possibly the tilt and/or axis or rotation?  or is it all in my head?  I have my own opinion but wanted to hear from more accomplished bowlers.

Thanks in advance!

« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 02:33:41 PM by fleezy »



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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 02:22:17 PM »
Like everything else, it depends on you and how much shorter we're talking about. I, personally, have my middle fingers drilled 3/16ths shorter than they actually should be because of an old injury, which has since healed. I have another old injury to my ring finger that needs some adjustments when I get everything measured again next year, before I  drill new stuff.

There's nothing necessarily wrong with it if it's done intentionally, but if it's done by a driller who doesn't know what he's doing and can't be precise with his measurements, that's another issue and can cause damage to your hand.
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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 02:32:20 PM »
Thanks for the reply Flapper.  I should be a little more clear in my post.  I modified it a little in the hopes it's more clear.

I'm not experiencing any pain or discomfort.  I'm just wondering what type of impact, if any, the shorter span would have on the rotation of the ball.

As a follow up, one thing I seem to have noticed, as well as my teammates, is that last year I seemed to come "up the back" of the ball more than in previous years.  So I tended to throw a straighter shot and left quite a few more corner pins in my estimation but nonetheless, I finished at 195 in 2 different houses, right where I was the year before.  However, two seasons ago, I finished at 206.  The last two years, I only had 3 700 series between two leagues. 
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 02:34:18 PM by fleezy »


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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 02:34:48 PM »
Personally your question seems like you're considering leaving those balls with the BAD drilling as they are and using them. I'd consider that unwise and potentially dangerous to your hand. Why fool around for the sake of saving a few dollars when you could be putting our future bowling at risk, at the worst, and putting your bowling scores at risk at a minimum. Feel is the most important part of your ball grip and release. If they all fee different, you'll probably release them all differently.

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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 02:41:59 PM »
My mistake charlest.  It's not my intent to leave the drillings as-is if they are indeed wrong.  I plan on getting my hand measured again in light of this development as well as the injury that happened to my index finger.

I'm just wondering if there would be much of a change in ball delivery and reaction due to the difference in span and if so, what would the change(s) be.

And you are definitely right about the feel aspect.  I couldn't even imagine throwing my old T-Road now.  It feels like it was drilled for a completely different person now!  Thumb too big, thumb pitch off.  Finger pitch off.  It's amazing how different little changes can be.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 02:44:08 PM by fleezy »

The Bowling Pariah

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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 03:50:22 PM »

 In years gone by, we used to purposefully drill balls to either stretch, or relax, the pressure on one of the gripping fingers.

 It was said that more tension on the middle finger promoted skid/length, while more tension on the ring finger promoted a smoother, earlier roll.

 Having a "short" ring finger span USED to have some effect on the balls, but dynamics weren't so studied back then, so what EXACT effect it would have on your pap, tilt, or rotation isn't really something I could speak to. I'm sure it has some effect, I just wouldn't know what.
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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 04:07:30 PM »

 In years gone by, we used to purposefully drill balls to either stretch, or relax, the pressure on one of the gripping fingers.

 It was said that more tension on the middle finger promoted skid/length, while more tension on the ring finger promoted a smoother, earlier roll.

 Having a "short" ring finger span USED to have some effect on the balls, but dynamics weren't so studied back then, so what EXACT effect it would have on your pap, tilt, or rotation isn't really something I could speak to. I'm sure it has some effect, I just wouldn't know what.

That's the old adage I was thinking of and believe it may be contributing to my normal shot seeming to have a little more length than I used to but it may be all in my head.


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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2013, 04:28:31 PM »
My mistake charlest.  It's not my intent to leave the drillings as-is if they are indeed wrong.  I plan on getting my hand measured again in light of this development as well as the injury that happened to my index finger.

I'm just wondering if there would be much of a change in ball delivery and reaction due to the difference in span and if so, what would the change(s) be.

And you are definitely right about the feel aspect.  I couldn't even imagine throwing my old T-Road now.  It feels like it was drilled for a completely different person now!  Thumb too big, thumb pitch off.  Finger pitch off.  It's amazing how different little changes can be.

Oh, Good for you!
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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 08:16:32 PM »
No other opinions?  Darn!  I was hoping someone might have some insight or at least verify if the shorter span might be contributing to my "up the back" delivery.


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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2013, 07:51:04 AM »
On the extreme side, I had an injury to my ring finger and am now using a Sarge Easter Grip.  My ring finger is conventional length and my middle finger is fingertip length.  The difference for me is I kinda spin the ball more now.  This grip allows me to get around the ball a little more. 

I need to work on staying behind the ball more, but because of my current release I get more length on the ball from spinning it.  Sounds like you are getting a similar change of ball motion with a shorter ring finger.


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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2013, 09:30:24 AM »
Like every other sport, things take adjusting to.  Just because it hasn't instantly improved your bowling doesn't mean it hasn't worked.  You have to give it some time, and by time I mean at least several months.  It would most likely have an impact on your ball roll, but that may be something you need to work at.  If you have developed bad habits because of a bad fit and you get it corrected, things WILL change, and change is most often a step back for a moment while you work things out.  Again, just because you don't see positive results yet doesn't mean they aren't coming.  It's like going and getting surgery for something.  They have to tear some things down before they can build them back up. 
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Re: Ring Finger Span Too Short? What's the Impact on Ball Rotation?
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2013, 11:36:57 AM »
Having no experience with it, I would look at some of the Pros.  Mike Fagan went to the Sarge Easter grip to cut down on the amount of revs.  I would assume the same holds true, to a lesser extent on a slightly shorter ring finger.
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.