Looking for some opinions and/or advice.
Last season, I bought a ball and had a couple re-drilled to "match" the measurements for my hand. Prior to this, my "arsenal" consisted of balls drilled by several different shops due to the fact that I'm cheap and only had balls that I won. In other words, I would win a ball at a tournament or during a drawing.
Last season, a pro-shop opened in one of the houses I bowl at and after speaking to the proprietor over the course of several weeks, I decided to have him check out my existing equipment and see what he thought.
He quickly verified what I already assumed; that most of my equipment, while close to my "go-to ball," a T-Road Pearl, this pitches and spans were all a little different. In addition, the finger inserts were slightly different in design and size.
As the bridge of the T-Road Pearl was cracked, I decided to get a Victory Road Pearl as a replacement and had a Custom fitting. The ball seemed to come off my hand better and after using if for a while, decided to have the rest of my arsenal re-drilled to have the same measurements. I put the T-Road away.
As many of you may have read, a couple months ago I Injured the index finger of my left hand while stopping into Completebowler's shop. Just prior to my splitting open my left index finger, we noticed that the span of my ring finger seemed to be a little too short.
Today, I went bowling for the 1st time since the injury. when i got home, I pulled out the T-Road just to check it put and indeed, it does seem that the ring finger span on that ball is just a little longer.
Sorry for the long winded post but I am wondering, what do you think is the impact of having a shorter ring finger span? Does it change my ball delivery much and therefore possibly the tilt and/or axis or rotation? or is it all in my head? I have my own opinion but wanted to hear from more accomplished bowlers.
Thanks in advance!