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Author Topic: Red, White, and Blue  (Read 454 times)


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Red, White, and Blue
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:58:04 PM »
With the three patterns coming to league play later this year I had a question. Can the General Manager of the bowling alley have the lane technician alter the pattern ? I ask this because on our THS it is old wood lanes that tend to breakdown a little fast and the GM told me he added more oil across the lanes in order to have them hold up longer. Is it possible to view the patterns at ? Is it asking to much for the bowling alley to put out some of the patterns for us league bowlers to practice on before the start of the season ? During the season can a league switch patterns ? Thanks for positive input. Carlos



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Re: Red, White, and Blue
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 06:52:57 AM »
This is a problem for USBC.  Relegating Red/White/Blue patterns is just as difficult as relegating a sport or PBA shot.  I don't know how USBC is going to guarantee that the red/white/blue pattern is there every night besides taking and submitting a zero lineage every week.  Which is a pain the behind. And most centers are not going to do this.  They will not submit a tape reading every week. They do not have the ability and they do not have the inclination to do so.  

And of course there are so many lane mechanics that just can't stop from dicking with the lane machine on a weekly basis (as far as the pattern goes).  I mean if you put out the Red shot and then the manager says to up the volumne or whatever......then IT AIN"T THE RED SHOT anymore.


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Re: Red, White, and Blue
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 07:06:12 AM »
would it turn purple?
Kiall Hill
AMF 300
Good Stuff


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Re: Red, White, and Blue
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 07:29:55 AM »
Atochabsh you have some very good point's. The GM at our bowling alley started to get complaints about the shot. Then for about a month and a half each week there was something new on the lanes. No one was told what it was and that made lot's of bowlers mad. To the point of bowlers wanting to leave all together. At one point last year when the scores were high the GM felt the shot was to easy and started to manipulate the shot. Which leaked over into this year. I guess the same could go for any of the 3 patterns. Thanks for your positive feed back. Carlos