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Author Topic: First games with the Hyde.  (Read 892 times)


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First games with the Hyde.
« on: August 11, 2003, 05:03:42 PM »
Last night I finally got down and had the Hyde drilled. I am still learning about drilling types and still dont have much of a handle on the subject, but I remember the guy saying "stacked leverage" and then he kicked the CG in towards the center of the grip to about a half inch right of center. Anyways, I headed to the lane to start this experience.
First game.......112
Second game......168
Third game.......189
Impressions of the Hyde were good, in fact unless the lanes are soaked, it will be my main go to ball, it skids longer then my Icon, yet turns to the pocket at the right moment as long as I hit the mark. I think I have a fair little arsenal, for a small time bowler such as myself, and while I have to get in some more time with this ball, I have high hopes that it will serve my game well for the up coming winter league.

Iconn 300
Ebonite Maxim

 First time throwing a hook...this is truly a test of conviction.